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Best Cheap Photography Books

Six of my favourite cheap and easily accessible photography photo books. The Open Road by David Campany: Uncommon Places by Stephen Shore: American Surfaces by Stephen Shore: Essential Elements by Edward Burtynsky: William…

Photography On Location: Route 66

In this "photography on location" video I venture to the Mojave Desert in search of scenes worthy of exposing on film. A small stretch of abandoned buildings along the iconic Route 66 caught my eye and served up plenty of photo…

Can You Develop FILM in BEER?!?!?

Dogfish Head is an amazing brewery in Deleware - they've released a Gose called Super Eight. Currently collaborating on a film with Kodak, they claim this beer can be the perfect catalist for developing film. I decided to put it to the…

My Photography Favorites

Thanks so much for watching! I'm excited to do more of these types of videos going forward. Here are links to everything I could find : Pentax 67 Camera and 105mm f/2.4 lens Canon 85mm f/1.4 IS USM lens : Photography Books :…