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Popular photography formats compared

In this episode we take a handful of commonly used formats and compare them when used to take the same photo. We include some digital, film and instant film options. Cameras used: Canon EOS 6D, Bronica S2A, Canon EOS 3, Polaroid 790,…


Some great news for analog photographers this week as we saw announcements from both Kodak and Polaroid. Kodak are slated to have a limited release of Ektachrome soon and full production next year. Polaroid have aquired the Impossible…

Kodak muestra su marco digital OLED

En el marco del CES de este año se pudieron ver varios televisores OLED, si bien el granito de Kodak en esta tecnología fue su marco de fotos digital. El marco tiene 3 milímetros de grosor y gracias a la tecnología OLED se obtiene un…

A Brief History of Photography

Written, directed, and edited by Irena Martinez, May 4, 2015 Cameras are a huge part of our everyday lifestyle, but do you know how they came to be? Show More: This video was created as a part of ES.333 (Production of Educational…