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family portrait ideas

Photo Sharing – Sites And Methods

Remember those days of carrying around armloads of photo albums in order to share your pictures with your family and friends? All in the past my friends! Today, photo sharing allows you to upload your digital photos online and easily…

Window Light Portraiture

In this age of high-tech everything, window-light is an often overlooked way to take beautiful portraits of your children and family. It's quite easy to create beautiful images in your home using just natural light. Use a window (or door)…

Importance of Photography Clubs

Photography has evolved a billion times since the camera was invented. It not only gave people the opportunity to click the pictures and save them for the future, but also provided a kind of platform to express their emotions, feelings, and…

Importance of Photographs in One’s Life

We, human beings are emotional. Life brings out the best and the worst in us. And all that comes out through the emotions. Photographs are the best way to capture these emotions. And as soon as the emotions are captured in a photograph,…