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child photography

Photographing Kids

Kids grow up so quickly and while we are often left with countless memories, most parents have only a drawer packed with school photos, blurry holiday snaps and the forced grin of the inevitable yearly birthday picture to account for the…

Choosing a Digital Photo Frame

A good digital picture frame is increasingly popular these days, they work as just a fancy gadget on your shelf, or as a great present for friends and family. They're priced well and just about anybody can use one. They work just like a…

Tips for Preparing a Beach Portrait Session

Beach Portraits can be such a wonderful way for the whole family to come together. Having your portraits taken with the ones you love to create enduring memories is invaluable. Planning your Outfit The number one thing to remember when…

Using Vastu to Place Family Pictures

Vastu does not entertain any wrong placement of things because Vastu creates a link between connections by matching the energies around and any imbalance of one of the five elements will harness happiness of inmates. Vastu tells a…