Stunning Photo Using Camera Raw Filter In Photoshop CC
If you’re using photoshop cs6 or other versions watch Here how it works for Jpeg File:
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Music by :
Syn Cole – Feel Good [NCS Release]
Syn Cole
Bahut achchha bataya sir bol ke batate to aur clear hota nice
Could you please provide the image link

will try this trick soon in my pics
Nice. Thanks
Very well done thanks!
How version Photoshop is it?
سلام عليكم اخي غالي ممكن طلب درس كيف عمل اضاء داخل فانوس
woowww cool.. sundul gan
blue cloud?
Like your idead.amazing
So awesome just using camera raw! Learned some new tips too. Ty!
Bro……Cant shown camera raw filter in Filter option in my photoshop Cs6.. Pls tell me how to shown it????
what buttons are you using when you are adjusting the whites, blacks etc so that it is a fully black screen/white screen?
Thank you and incredible work
very good job
Interesting, thanks !
nice , but needs better instruction
hello as I get this plugin
The best tuts.. thank you
Hi, im kinda new to RAw but would be nice if you add txt to the video and say what your doing so people can learn from this
heyyyyyyyyyyyyy :p am using PS CS6 Extended Ii cant find the raw camera …why????
But I don't like loud stupid Background Music on a Tutorial , I prefer somebody is talking and Explain NO MUSIC ON A TUTORIAL this is Brutal Disturbing !!!!
How dumb of me. I have trashed several if not thousands of Camera Raw files due to not having Lightroom.Thanks!
I´m using PS CC so the same as you and there is no camera raw option in filters… i cant finish my image because i dont know how to get camera raw..
You are very talented indeed, enjoyed watching your videos, but the choice of music, needs to adjust.