7 Little-Known Tricks For Taking Incredible iPhone Photos That Leave Everyone Speechless
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Watch this iPhone photography tutorial to discover 7 little-known tricks for taking incredible iPhone photos that leave everyone speechless.
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Omg it’s the backyard scientist!
Great video! Thank you for the lesson! Can you tell me which Iphone you are using in this video?
Though I am not such fan of iPhone. Landed this page after looking stunning photography through phone.
I am really impressed the way you have explained the features that not limited to iPhone and calmness and clarity are awesome in you.
Man ….that skateboard photograph was astounding… really beautiful. Kudos.
I needed this
I’m so glad and thankful to you for the amazing tips♥️ I never knew so much about my outstanding phone
Amazing video
I love photography
Where's 3rds law?
Sure that’s an iPhone? Or is it really a landline?

What iPhone did he use ?
Just read a good photography book job done
I watched this months ago and it completely changed the way I take photos. Many people have complimented how professional my photos look and I’m so grateful for this video! Thank you!
So calm and informative brih
It was good to hear someone who wasn’t actually shrieking but talking with a soothing tone…
Thanks a lot dude. Such a great video
Thanx for the tips..
Can I just say this is the best photography video I have come across so far? I’ve been looking into photography lately trying to improve my Instagram and already this has very much helped. I just want to say thank you and I’m very greatful that you have created this video for people to enjoy and share these tips themselves. Cheers.
Fantastic tips and pics. Question for you: What do you have your phone plugged into with the white cord in this video?
Invaluable for this novice! Thank you so very much. Also, the absence of aggressive background 'music' is appreciated.
Thank you!
Excelente el video, muy bien explicado y con buenos trucos. Muchas gracias!
May I ask about the tripod you’re using during the tunnel scene, please? Thank you!
you r very good….we love Latvia
Awesome video Emil. Thank you!
1. Unique/Unexpected Angles
2. Manual Focus
3. Manual Exposure
4. Lock Focus & Exposure
5. Take Silhouette Photos
6. Burst-Mode
Ļoti labs video!
At 06:30, expose wire (missing screwdriver)
wow i learnt alot
So first I need an iPhone