5 Reasons to Buy a Leica M8 Today


This is the poor mans Leica, but still, its a Leica. With all the magic and joy that brings.

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The video was recorded with,
Canon 30mm f2.0:

I’m not a still photographer per say. I know my way around the camera, I have been paid to take photos lots of times, but it has been more in a journalistic matter.

On a hobby level I shoot and develop film as a cheap way to practice film exposure for my s16mm experiments.
Lately I have been looking for ways to improve my skills as a cinematographer.

One way is to become better at taking stills.
If I can capture what I want in one frame, surely it must be easier with 24 frames per seconds.

I’m still not decided between the M8 and M9, but time will tell.

Music: That Kid in Fourth Grade Who Really Liked the Denver Broncos av Chris Zabriskie licensieras under licensen Creative Commons Attribution (

  1. Daniel Fjäll says

    I went out recently and bought an M8 and the guy told me there's this video on YouTube where the actual camera is featured. I knew what video he referred to. So as it turns out the camera in this video is on my desk next to me. Lovely camera!

  2. Daisy Z says

    what is the exact name of this camera? Cuz I found the camera in the video looks quite different from the normal leica m8, it doesn't has the red logo and has a gold edge on the top.

  3. handel1111 says

    Reasons to buy Olympus M1/ OM1 next !

  4. Alfredo Ordoñez says

    what phone do you use?

  5. たろうけん says

    I bought M8 in 2019 ,Waging this video,thanks.

  6. taz24787 says

    "A person that actually gets a salary" …. xD

  7. PinkBlueStripe says

    I adore the patina on your M8.2. Used well.

  8. Señor Calabaza says

    What lenses did you use for the pictures shown? the 35 1.4 and 50 voigtlanders?

  9. [PBG] PointBreakGalaxy says

    It's made by German spirit. That's why Leica is Leica

  10. Kittipong Na Ranong says

    Is m8 give color better than sigma SD14 /sd15?

  11. Aaron C says

    Mattias, thanks for sharing your joy. I have watched numerous photography channels and yours is by far my favourite. I have watched your videos numerous times because you articulate the joy of photography so well. There's a particular zen about your clips that is almost poetic. Maybe it's the voice, selection of music or the way you present, but the thing that strikes home the most is your pursuit of quality… well done! I hope you make more videos because I'll be here waiting!

  12. HardLine says

    one day, one day i might get one

  13. SKA says

    I want to buy this camera. But i'm not so rich… If anyone have to sell one for low price i would like to buy it!

  14. John Porno says

    Where I live, the M9 costs the same as the M8. However, I still can't afford it haha

  15. Mr Carrera says

    Hej! Nu när vårt första barn är på gång skulle ja vilja ha en kamera till familjefoton. Skulle du rekommendera den för de ändamålet? Det jag oroar mig är att det kanske är svårt att få bra bilder i fokus för en nybörjare som mig.

  16. vince says

    would you recommend this over the m2 m3 m4 m5 for black and white street photography?

  17. Mickey Lui says

    Just wondering if the CCD issue appears on both M8.2 and M9-P?

  18. David Griffin says

    Hey good video. I think the whole IR thing is really more of an advantage. I almost never shot with IR cut filters and I seldom saw any objectionable color shift. And with an actual IR filter (such as the ancient Leica IR filter), the results are very nice — you get an IR camera without the cost of the conversion. I mostly shoot an M9 today but I keep my M8 for the IR.

  19. putra liemang says

    What a nice video !! It gives me handfull insights on leica m8. Btw, which ir cut filter brand do u recommend or are you using? Big love from indonesia

  20. Estra Styven says

    I have a question, does it have any live view on lcd?

  21. Fer wallace says

    Am I crazy or his voice and soundtrack are a relaxing combo?

  22. Sam Spade says

    It looks awesome

  23. Sam Spade says

    How did you get your m8 to look so cool

  24. sky donnia says

    r.i.p my wallet

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