1. Joël Smits says

    New subscriber and loving your content. This was really helpful! I just have one question. There are quite a few like and comment bots on Instagram. Usually you can tell them apart by how generic their comments are, but most of the time they are the only comments I get. Should I even bother replying to them or just leave them be?

  2. Mats Andersson says

    Great stuff, Joe. I'm on it!

  3. Ramin Izadpanah says

    You are genuinely good ,great tips and advice….Cheers Ramin 🙂

  4. Chris Scoggins says

    Joe, that was one of the best YouTube videos I have ever seen. I love that you promote social discipline and respect! Do you have any plans on writing a book covering all of this? Thanks for the video! Chris

  5. Linda Ursin says

    Happy to hear I'm doing most things right 🙂 Just have to get better about telling stories

  6. Axis Imagery says

    Thank you for this video

  7. Photo Panda says

    Yes I m ready. And it was very helpful.

  8. Saket Singh says

    Your maximum points got matched with my view, but I am really very shy to post photos too frequently (atleast twice a week). I'm not sure but it feels like I'm moreover doing show-off, though I have enough photos clicked and is stored in my library.

  9. Alex Grebench says

    This is a fantastic tutorial! I absolutely love how it skips the gimmicks and goes straight to the essence of what needs to be done. Thank you!!!

  10. German Bueso says

    Hi Joe! I really love all your videos, my little work as a photographer has improved a lot since I started to follow you and I think there is a lot, a lot, and a lot of wisdom on each of your videos, I would love to see maybe a series of a revisited version of some of your best early videos but this time with your new gear.
    BTW… Thanks for your videos, "Your best shot is your next shot" means a lot to me in my daily basis.

  11. buong agus says


  12. Dave Morse says

    G'Day Joe, so many wise words, well done. Thanks Joe, learnt so much. Cheers Dave.

  13. Glenn Lawrence says

    Absolutely loved this vid. Your presentation is immaculate and engaging ty.

  14. Felipe Santander says

    I appreciate every video you posted

  15. Positive Ageing says

    Hi Joe. I really enjoyed your video. The content was wonderful, helpful and insightful. The way you come across on the video attracts viewers. I found your advice to be spot on and truly useful. Thanks so much for the pep talk and for encouraging others to take up a camera and enjoy the experience. Photography should be fun first and anything else is a bonus. Best wishes for now and yes I did subscribe.

  16. Jeremy Lerman says

    This 2-part clip of yours, Joe, has become the most vital, useful and most important content I've watched in 2018. Learned so much. Can't thank you enough for posting and sharing your wisdom. Sitting here completely astonished, mainly about how poor I've been with social media now that you've drawn my attention to it. You've taught us how to relate to social media in such an eloquent easy to comprehend manner. Wow. The clip of the year for sure. Thank you, Joe, thank you.

  17. Joey Castellon says

    I didn't get the "CC Welcome" part. Would anybody mind explaining this to me? Thanks!

  18. Nuts and Bolts says

    Great information! Wished you would have started the video by saying “grab a pen and paper, your going to want to write this down”. Now I’ll have to rewatch the video and make some notes.

  19. Ajax Rodriguez says

    I've played this 3 times on a loop! Such great tips and content! Thank you Joe Edelman!!!

  20. Royce Faggotter says

    Hi, I found your channel through photo merchant, and I like very much what you say, thank you.

  21. Lyndsie Miles says

    This is exactly what I have been needing! Thank you!

  22. Arije Mami says

    He looks just like bobby mares! Very useful video thank you!

  23. Mikey Anthonisz says

    This guy, is the Gary Vaynerchuk of the camera , my prediction we are all gonna snap this intellect info up. Joe Edelman wished I found you sooner.

  24. Josué Bernard says

    Where’s the next video,i like that one.Thanks for the info.

  25. Nashith Rasheed says

    Great video! Thanks for sharing all of this tips! By the way i could not find your facebook page?

  26. SylverRaptor says

    Dude…stop. Dinosaur? Really? You know you see them everywhere right? From the arctics to the deserts. On every tree. etcetera.

  27. Kai Lianne says

    I am so thrilled that I subscribed to your channel! Great advise for a new photographer like myself! Thank you for sharing your knowledge! off to watch part 2…

  28. Jakob Bourne says

    Other methods such as influencer marketing can be an effective way in marketing your business, especially when you use reliable platforms for it like phlanx

  29. Djalane Mohamed Amine says

    Awsome awsome tips, I would love to be able to thank you properly one day… Thank's !

  30. tyka666 says

    Recently I watch a lot of photography tutorials on yt. To put it simply – You are the best of the bunch. Great advices, great photos, great experience and most importantly, I get the impression, thay You genuinly want to share the knowledge and not holding anything back. Great channel. Thank You.

  31. Lewis Baker says

    This is amazing advice! Thank you for the tips! I look forward to using these principles to create the foundation of my own brand! Wish me luck!🙏

  32. Nixon JP Trebejo says

    Any tips for a new comer trying to get into this as a hobby?

  33. RGB NIHAL says

    sir am from nepal n i watched ur video this is just very helpfull tq for such video

  34. Fast 5 Fred says

    Thank you for the great perspective. It's helpful to be reminded of things like this. I need to be more social on social media for sure.

  35. Claire Fraser says

    Great video Joe! So many obvious things that we just don't think about that can make a big difference. Wrote down a few that I'm going to start doing! Thank you!

  36. Roth Read Photography says

    Well worth watching and following Joe's advice – why wouldn't you when he is a social media success! Extremely insightful and very well presented! Joe engages from the beginning, never misses a beat, is straight to the point and entertaining. Thank you Joe – see you in Part II.

  37. Pradeep Javedar says

    Thanks for the fresh new point of view of the expanding social media platform!

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