Tips and Tricks for Photo Album Design | Olympus OMD


OK, so I ended the year with a monster schedule, something like 25 portrait sessions and four weddings which got behind making videos. I also managed to get sick in there somewhere and host Christmas for 13 people at our house. I apologize but my goal for 2019 is at least one video per week.

I’m so happy to be back and I’ve got a few projects already under production so I hope you’ll stick with me in 2019!

This video is about album design and how to think about getting started and well as a few of the common pitfalls. Let me know what questions you have in the comments and I’ll be happy to help.

If you need an album supplier I love for amateur photographers just getting into bookmaking and for pros getting started. Check them out, the quality, customer service, and speed are unmatched by any other company I work with.

Here are my 10 tips for album design:

1. Cull the image list down from the start, too many images will slow you down in your design effort
2. When shooting for books always try to shoot as many horizontal and vertical compositions as possible (detail and contributing images especially as it will increase your layout options exponentially
3. Think about the major focus of the page, what is the main image and don’t have that compete with your contributing images. Tell a story on each page and with the book from beginning to end.
4. Fewer images on a spread is almost always stronger
5. Watch sight lines and where the eye wanders on the page
6. In general, I don’t like to mix black and white and color images on the same spread
7. Be consistent in your design work – you don’t have to reinvent the wheel with each spread but always make sure your style and spacing remains the same
8. Retouch based on size and save time with smaller images
9. Always get feedback on a design before going to print, you need a second set of eyes on things to look for anything you’re overlooking.
10. Great album design software is truly worth the price of admission. It mas creating cohesive, beautiful books so much easier and quicker that I can’t imagine being without it.

Design software I love:

Another I’ve heard great things about:

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  1. France Novak says

    could you tell your toughts about olympus OM-D E-M10 Mark III. I'm new to fotography and i really like m43 systems for its compactness including lenses what is great for traveling. Would you suggest to buy this camera or to go for some phanasonic. the thing i'm most afraid is about taking photos in low light and its autofocus. Dont want to have all photos out of focus….thank you. and great chanell. i yous found you for your video about 'death' of m43. best regards

  2. Libor Krupica says

    Hello Joseph, great video. I always wonder what program would be the best. I do have so much use for that.
    Well the year is over , it was a lot of fun with you and now I am looking for more in the 2019.
    I do wish you all the best ….

  3. Floyd Summerhayes says

    very interesting video. Thank you

  4. Cheralynn says

    Hi Joseph, timing for this tutorial is perfect as I just shot my first wedding and need to design the book for it. I’m not a wedding shooter but was asked as a favor so I’m muddling through the process. I have a really naive question: I can pick the photos I would want in the album but in this case I let the couple choose the photos first and then will have to assemble the book based on their choices, so my layout options may be limited. How do you normally handle the workflow and timing between having the couple select their photos and creating the album? Do you give them a recommended number of photos to choose because you know what the book can hold? Also, do you have a book spread in mind even before you photograph the wedding so that you’re actually shooting for the album?
    Thanks a bunch!

  5. ilkka korpela says

    The Fundy link seems to be incorrect.

  6. kwak10r1 says

    Good to see you back Joe, looking forward to your content for 2019.

  7. David Harrison says

    Thanks for all your videos but sadly I'm leaving Olympus but thanks again for all your information.

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