Why BAD Photographers THINK They’re Good

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A look at a common cognitive bias that makes people think they’re better at things than they are, and how you can avoid succumbing to this psychological trap.

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  1. Fartadi Dominic says

    Your're doing stunning videos ! Helps me a lot

  2. sulkow82 says

    I had a a bit of a different attitude when I came across some of my early photos. I wouldn't say I was embarrassed by them. However, I did start analyzing them as if they were someone else's work. I would say that the intended story was good, yet I would list the technical flaws for myself.

  3. Mihnou D says


  4. marcelo campoamor says

    Well it's not so easy to define who is a god photografer neither who is a bad one

  5. garlicradio says

    I was a much better photographer with an aperture-priority Contax on slide film than I am now with digital. Mostly because I had to drop my photo efforts for a long time, also because I'm 70; my legs and eyes aren't what they used to be. So I am regularly confronted with my current incompetence. It's frustrating.

    Of course, I'm far too wise to fall for the Dunning-Kruger effect 😉

  6. Guy Butler says

    One of the accurate and honest videos I’ve watched on photography in a long time! Awesome stuff 🙂

  7. Contessa Linda says

    Thats a beautiful message

  8. ozgoodphotos says

    Love 3:21 of you trying to photograph breaking a cup of coffee. Made me laugh. Been there, done that!

  9. Shan Rizwan says

    excellent video, so well said and concise!

  10. Brandon Schiavone says

    i have the opposite of this syndrome i think i suck no matter what

  11. Halloween Heathen says

    I find most photographers extremely toxic and judgmental. Real “center of the universe” types. Some people are in to photography as a hobby and don’t really need outside opinions as they are doing it for fun.

    It amazes me that “art” has no rules and “anything can be art” but people in pretty much every artistic field, including photography, think everyone’s work that doesn’t follow the exact “good art” blueprint is bad. It makes no sense.

    We end up living in a cookie cutter world of “unique” art that isn’t really art at all. It’s the same shit over and over. You can put lipstick on a pig.

  12. João Paulo Amorim says

    Came here out of curiosity about photography and got a life lesson!

  13. Bruna TH says

    Oliviero Toscani once said about a photo thats appears someone on the bike and the background was blurred like ' just a photographic masturbation " and i loved that! Like how we really gets seduced by the tecnique and not by the 'reason'.

  14. Bruna TH says

    i'll keep following u cause its the only british accent i can really understand 😛

  15. nihhah says

    AWESOME video! I'm not a photographer, nor i aspire to be, but this video definetly pushed me further in trying to better myself 🙂

  16. fukthegoog says

    On the whole I think I'm pretty good at the snapping bit, but I am totally ignorant of things such as Gimp, Photoshop or Affinity. Something I really need to learn.

  17. Jose Acosta fotografia says

    Thanks. Good video

  18. Motivation Exceeds Me says

    Did you try to blame the Kumite at the intro?

  19. martinS S says

    Thank god for the overconfindence or I never would have become a photographer. I was pretty confident when I was young and worked as a new assistant and started charging. I saw the first assistant never shoot because even though he was amazing, he wasn't confident and used to tease me. He never became a photographer.

  20. Lokesh babu says

    Damn that is an eye opening video 😀!Any photographic channels you recommend?

  21. sanch Sanchayan says

    Measuring and judging people is a job of losers to be honest . It is a sad reality but I would like people to feel happy if they think what they are doing are making them happy.

  22. Cristi Constantin says

    Very good advice, that applies to every domain out there. Nice

  23. Damn Daniel says

    Two words : Duning-kruger effect

  24. Chris Campos says

    I constantly think I'm good and then see other people's work and think "flip – I have a lot to learn"

  25. Shaun Hilton says

    Fantastic advice

  26. explorecore says

    Absolutely loved the message! The more you progress, the more you will understand how far you’ve come!

  27. Gino Rigucci says

    (Speaking of my own experience shooting just for stock photography). I started into stock because it is a passive income and it leaves me time to choose what I think sells. Since I started in stock photography I still have images that where taken when I first started, when I look at some of those images I sometimes wonder why did I do that? Because today I learned much more through the years and a lot of You-tube video helped and reading books in years past made my images look much better. And to my surprise images that I took several years back are still selling, even though I shot the same subject over and in my current experience and understanding they are much better? Yes my current images sell well too? But those one's that I feel need to be deleted but are on the servers are still selling. As for a feeling whether I am good or not? I do it for the love of photography.

  28. Joe LoMoglio says

    I absolutely love your videos, you are truly an inspiration. While I am not a photographer, its something I want to move towards, however I do digital art and I have applied many of what you have taught to my work as if what I was creating was a photograph and it has improved what I do. Just wanted to say thank you for this channel and sharing your knowledge and expertise.

  29. Paul Russo says

    When I first clicked this video I was like “ok, let’s hear what this pretentious twat has to say”… Came away with a completely different opinion. Sagely, scientific advice mate. Cheers.

  30. Generation Isolation says

    I dislike most of your photos on Flickr and I think you're just an average photographer. Had to be said.

  31. ColinSlippers says

    Really, really great video. Thank you sir!

  32. Daniel Collins says

    Well, I just upgraded from an iPhone to a proper mirrorless. So, I'm pretty much a photographer now. Don't know why I'm even bothering with this vid. HMU for headshots. Pro at work.

  33. Rob Wearn says

    brilliant info

  34. Deciverse says


  35. Andrzej says

    I'm watching your video on a 43" monitor, on a standing desk, where I'm very close to the monitor, it really looks like you look down on me (literally, not in the idiomatic way) pretty creepy. No offence, great video anyway!

  36. Andrzej says

    I need to concentrate on my work in IT so I can buy more lenses, this would make me an exceptional photographer 😉

  37. HaziiVizon says

    Want to know why everyone thinks they’re photographers? Because it takes no talent to be a photographer.

  38. HenuEnna says

    What to do if it's other way around? I mostly like only my old photos that I took just during couple first years that I had my first camera. Now 9 years later I still have the same camera and I have been photographing on and off but most of the time I don't like any of my photos and can't get the same vibe I had in those early days. I used to be able to just take photos and touch up a little bit or maybe just crop and be done with it but now no amount of manipulation can save them. I shoot mostly nature and more specifically insects and those types of photos are still my favorite to see from other people. I have read photography books and watched YouTube and all sorts of skillshare courses and nothing seems to hel. It feels like maybe I should try another hobby and not torment myself and maybe those early photos are not good either but I just have good feeling connected to them since I enjoyed so much spending my summers chasing bugs and not worrying about real life

  39. MTD 013 says

    Great life advice, I find this applies to pretty much any field. Wasn't aware of the Dunning-Krugef study! Thanks!

  40. Shup Up says

    You can't tell someone how to be creative. Creativity is the expression of one's ideas and those ideas should not be forced onto them by others.

  41. Shup Up says

    What makes you a good photographer? The ability to be condescending towards others for wanting to express their creativity?

  42. Ali Zaidi says

    this was one of the most useless videos I've wasted time on

  43. S. M. Tanim Rahman says

    These advices are not just about photography but about life as well. I can not thank you enough Sir. 😍😍😍

  44. Alan Shelley says

    Great advice. Thank you.

  45. ミウラマキ says

    This video is so wholesome

  46. Raging Snakes says

    Step one. Get off YouTube

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