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5 beginner photography mistakes and tips to improve!
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This channel is all about sharing the journeys we make with photography, so leave a comment below of any tips you’ve learnt since starting photography!

* Point Pleasant by Brock Berrigan — Licensed from

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#photography #learnphotography #photographytips

  1. Joe Allam says

    Tip 0: Clean the lens before filming a vlog 🤦🏻‍♂️ #DesperateForAFlipOutScreen
    Also: Slight slip of the tongue when saying grey card for white balance. You can still get a grey card, but use the white side of it 👍
    Hope you enjoyed this video! Share your tips and thoughts in the comments below ✌️

  2. Mike King says

    I'll actually be going out today to do some of my first amatuer photography at a national park. I'll keep these tips in mind ty

  3. FL310 says

    4:10 türk bayrağı :DD

  4. Jéssica Angelo says

    Really cool, thx

  5. SongOfGrace says

    "Manual mode trap". We are obviously from differing sides of the track. The only reason l am watching these videos is because I feel like l am trapped in auto mode. I like to take nature shots and have a growing collection of images of small creatures that most people overlook or only see from a distance and thus are only aquatinted with their shape. I try to get macro shots of their faces, designs on their bodies, and small details that few people will get close enough to see. People have oohed, ahhed, and even fled in horror at the sight of these shots but l don't feel very proud of them because my automatic camera did all the real work. I just laid on my belly and pushed a button.

  6. BIKEBOI says

    My camera is 11 years old and the maximum ISO of 1600 is pretty badly noisy

  7. Mike Giglio says

    Gives 5 common begginer mistakes. Has a dark smudge on lens around forehead while describing tip 1

  8. Jesse Brinkman says

    bUt YoUr HeAd Is ChOpPeD oFf yeeet

  9. The Multimedia Company says

    Great advice always looking for ways to improve my shots.

  10. tyler bradford says

    Wow great tips! i will use them in the future

  11. Steven Tk says


  12. Chef Riel says

    This is a really random observation but you have reptile eyes lol. Looks super weird to me but cool at that same time. Anyway, dope tips.

  13. Howard Kuo says

    I'm still shooting with a D3300 Nikon

  14. Doer Gasoy says

    Correct me if i am wrong but to what do people compare photo techniques? If it gives pleasure to your eye so that is a right technique amirite

  15. The Great Vanzinni! says

    I just put everything on "A," raise my camera up & pull the watchcha call it? Trigger! When people note it is blurry I go into a talk about the impressionist & artistic interpretation. Their eyes glaze over quickly. Same with cooking. I often slightly burn my meals by accident. I just talk about how I like to make things cajun style.

  16. dasp125 says

    I don’t 100% agree with setting your light meter to zero will give perfect exposures. It depends whether the average is white, grey or black in your scene. Your meter gives the exposure for middle grey, if the average is white and the camera sets this to middle grey then your image will be under exposed etc.

  17. Johnny says

    The most important beginner mistake in my opinion is not learning the basics of photography first. I am amazed at how many people have fancy expensive equipment and have no clue how their gear works, and don't understand the very fundamentals of triangle of exposure, light metering, etc.

  18. Glo_mamba_24 says

    Um rn im starting off by practicing on my iPhone XR idk if that’s bad…

  19. Mike Byson says

    This is pretty much "So these are the kind of pics I like"

    Saved you 8 mins. Go take photos.

  20. Sergio Gonzalez says

    When I started photography my main issue was composition, unaligned photos and things, palm trees, electricity polls, etc growing out of their head. Bummer

  21. cristobal caro says

    i usually shoot in manual cause i dont really trust that my camera can get the exposure right xD

  22. Saint Uchiha says

    Soooo….. Why is everyone running on tour background?

  23. Rascal Mood says

    Turkler 4:10 a baksin

  24. Millie Buckley says

    whats like the background colour aesthetic because I really can't think of it

  25. 2:20 Oooooh!!! I thought I had a Warner Brothers Camera. Very useful, cheers.

  26. ZadTrax Productions says

    Talks about white balance and yet his lighting keeps changing and brightness is inconsistent in this video. FAIL

  27. Mac Sam says

    #5 was a huge mistake I made too.

  28. Stephen Boyd says

    How about dirt spots on the camera… oops

  29. Ole Arnt Thomsen says

    Another beginner mistake is believing that a twice as expensive camera takes twice as good pictures.

  30. Jay’s Vlogs says

    Yea photography isn’t that hard. After watching countless videos like this I finally settled with just doing me. Photography is a way to express yourself and this sounds so cheesy I know but I like the way I take photos and if no one else does that’s fine. St least me and my 8 followers on Instagram like it so that’s enough for me. I like just doing me 😘 happy new year!

  31. jabarid09 says

    I don't have a auto zoom camera so can u help me with blurry images

  32. Elder Lich says

    Putting the lens hood on reversed so it doesn't even do its job of blocking the stray lights

  33. STUDIO HEROES says

    I love your videos

  34. Beth Britton says

    Really helpful, never even noticed the light meter before! Thank you

  35. alex tropper says

    So i just got a Pixpro AZ401 as a gift for christmas, since i really enjoy photography and i was only taking photos with my cellphone, not bad at all, but i want to take it a step further, thanks a lot for the video, its really going to help me.

  36. Tlhabano Mogashwa says

    "Omg, look at that noise" .. Newest learnt phrase

  37. Evan Butler says

    As soon as you mentioned tokyo i subbed

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