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digital photography

Composition-A Digital Photography Tutorial

SUBSCRIBE and like Buy the #1 book with 14+ HOURS of video on Amazon: Worldwide use 10% off coupon 'YouTube': Lightroom video book $10 on Amazon: Photoshop video book $10 on Amazon: Photography Buying Guide on Amazon: Worldwide use…

Photography Motivation! 'Best of John Free'

Workshop in Paris! September 1-2, 2018. Sign up at John Free is a social documentary photographer. John has taught at USC, UCLA, PCC, LACMA and has worked professionally at this craft for more than 45 years. For…

Popular photography formats compared

In this episode we take a handful of commonly used formats and compare them when used to take the same photo. We include some digital, film and instant film options. Cameras used: Canon EOS 6D, Bronica S2A, Canon EOS 3, Polaroid 790,…