Photography Motivation! 'Best of John Free'

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Workshop in Paris! September 1-2, 2018. Sign up at

John Free is a social documentary photographer. John has taught at USC, UCLA, PCC, LACMA and has worked professionally at this craft for more than 45 years. For his personal work he does street photography. Follow the founder of John Free’s YouTube channel on instagram: @deeno_andfree

  1. Lichtspiel says

    Pure Motivation, thank you so much

  2. 2yoyodog says

    ………….quite a hustle..!!

  3. jkb462 says

    Absolutely amazing. So much knowledge here. Thank you John for sharing this.

  4. Art Romano says

    john your videos are great. I wish you would put a video out soon on what to do with the wonderful work we create. 🙂 I think that Instagram is okay but what else would you recommend for us?

  5. Donnie AI says

    In a world where people are so obsessed with gear and short cuts to success, John is one of the few people whom people should learn from. His words got stuck on me and I live by it… "Make it difficult, easy ain't worth it". Every time I feel down and not going out to shoot anything, these words never fails to toughen me up. I wish you all the best, good health and please continue to share your wisdom to this current generation and many generations to come.

  6. zapallalla says

    Such a motivational video, thank you! Any change you could give some ideas what to practice? What are the most common things photographers should practice?

  7. Chase says

    Full Metal Aperture😆. Love it though

  8. FrancescoG says

    does anyone know what film he uses with his nikon F3?

  9. Scotty Zepplin says

    25 idiots who shoot auto and don't want to be masters of their gear disliked this video.

  10. reflexaki says

    Kostas from Greece here. At 46 yo, never had an interest in photography until I came across John Free's videos. This man has literally changed my mindset about life. Made me rethink my life. I signed up to a two-year photography school to learn practical stuff.
    But no school in the world can teach what John Free shares in his videos.
    Thank you mr John Free, from the bottom of my heart, you changed my life, God bless!

  11. Michael Charlton says

    Absolutely inspiring
    Sometimes all the noise about the latest gear makes me forget about the pleasure of a great
    I never though to practise such simple truths awesome

  12. Douglas Carter says

  13. The Green Circle says

    He reminds me of Victor Sullivan

  14. Tony Walton says

    Always inspiring to watch John Free. Gives me inspiration to keep on doing this thing (if only for myself, at times)

  15. J says

    what camera does he use?

  16. C Y says


  17. Peter Wydmuch says

    I am absolutely speechless! I learnt about John’s photography yesterday and I literally cannot stop watching. It’s mind blowing. Such an incredible person. I love everything about what he says. I just discovered something that will stay with me for a long time. Thank you John.

  18. Roy Goulden says

    I'd like to have a beer with this guy.!!!

  19. James Hart says

    Reason #865 why I like John Free: in all his videos, not one gear promo, camera review or discussion about the authenticity of Peter Lik. Just his love of photography and how the rest of us can get better.

  20. Gene Campanelli says

    This is so honest and awesome! Thank you​!!

  21. Bob Emmerich says

    As you said to Robert frank, "Thank you being there!" Just started in SP and I hope everyone is getting there is much more than street photography that you are delivering. As a former teacher I appreciate so much your passion and dedication. As a photographer I will take your suggestions to the bank!

  22. Breaden Free says

    My last name is free lol and John free is my dad's name

  23. Anthony Reyes says

    I genuinely wish he posted more inspirational videos. I always come back to this video for a boost.

  24. old larry says

    "It's a camera, not a machine gun" amazing quote

  25. Holomo Mohapi says

    I needed that. Thank you so much

  26. Chad Manning says

    I love your enthusiasm and passion! This is highly motivating you’re great for doing this thankyou!

  27. Spirit Encyclopedia says

    this scene reminds me corporal John Tailor from Hill 400, he is like it is your rifle and you must master it, learn to take one shot one kill, it is like an ambush speech especially starting from 00:20

  28. Will Parsons says

    John… May I please call you Mr. Free? You're an awesome photographer, teacher and most of all, a GREAT inspiration. Watching this YOUTUBE video really makes me smile and most of all, feel SUPER good about myself. I'm a starting photographer and you are my mentor! Thanks and keep up the great videos!

  29. Oliver Noland says

    this is fucking amazing

  30. B says

    John, you inspired me tremendously this past Friday; on the way home from work I had your YouTube video on and it was "10 Year Photo Essay." I wasn't watching it because I was driving but I was listening. Things that you were saying inspired me to go and shoot the following day. Now, what I normally do is before I get to where I think I want to shoot, as I walking up to the spot I have in mind, I "warm up" by taking pictures of anything, getting the focus right, the settings, etc. By the time I get there, I'm ready and just have to pay attention; the pictures are there, I just have to capture them. Warm up, and practice. Thank you for being you and for all that you do. You are appreciated.

  31. Joe Lopez says

    Very inspiring. No nonsense helpful information, thank you!

  32. WaywardAce says

    It doesn’t get any better than this.

  33. newpixeldude says

    Dear John, listening to your thoughts about photography is like listening to my own mind about the fact and meaning of being a photographer in this moment of my life. I am looking for depth and meaning in my pictures. I am looking for a meaning and a style as well. Sometimes it´s overwhelming but it helps listening how you share so many details and nuances about being a photographer and about being alive. Thanks for sharing all of this. Blessings and greetings from a Mexican guy.

  34. Yves Bajulaz says

    I really like the practice with no film… makes so much sense.

  35. Alan kilbane says

    thank you boss

  36. Mixie Palms says

    wish i could send J a message! you changed my life! street togger! my mantra is dillgaf! mate ya a mentor. regards Mick

  37. Steve says

    Thank you John. I learned a lot.

  38. Peter Skrypnyk says

    Just tripped across your video, and you for that matter. I was totally confused when you said "practice"… the digital marketing says nothing about practice, then I realized you were shooting film when you mentioned overexposing to maintain detail. Kidding aside, don't we wish everyone shot digital like they were shooting film…or shot film for that matter. Good video.

  39. Miked F5 says

    Wish I can go on a photo walk with you

  40. arryharry says

    John Free is to photography what Bruce Lee was to martial arts – always inspiring yet always aspiring, such a gift to their chosen art and how they express and share it.

  41. MrBluesfly says

    You like this the first minute you subscribe at second because of that great guy.So much knowledge to give.

  42. Sinned Fpv says

    Thank you John! You always are a big inspiration for me, love your ideas in photography as in life!

  43. exert2020 says

    John Frees videos have helped me no end. First day of shooting today since viewing and my technique has improved no end. Learning camera operation, preparing shots ahead of time (focus exposure) being more selective and interacting with the subject. One weakness I noticed in myself was I was getting a shot and then quickly moving on…i missed several lovely shots with this behaviour. There's always tomorrow

  44. Chetan Choudhary says

    10:47-"I usually turn away from the centre of interest". One of the best photography tip ever.

  45. Tony Nguyen says

    Thank you

  46. Falando Jones says

    the part about the viewer should want to see the photo again and again and again because it's therapy spoke volumes to me. It's therapy for both photographer and viewer. When you see a great photo you just feel better about life at that moment. it's like music or a poem.

  47. inspiring.. love this guy.. truly inspiring !!!

  48. - LedGaRRagE - says

    inspiring !

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