Studio Lighting Deconstructed: Exploring Photography with Mark Wallace


In this episode Mark Wallace breaks down a basic studio lighting setup to illustrate what each light does, and how that can be applied to all studio lighting setups. Mark also demonstrates how to create flexible studio lighting diagrams so you can recreate your favorite setups for years to come.

Related Products at Adorama:

Broncolor 30 x 180cm (11.8 x 70.9″) Softbox

Flashpoint Studio 400 Monolight

Sekonic L-308S Flashmate Light Meter

Leica M Type 240 Digital Rangefinder Camera Body

Leica 50mm f/1.4 SUMMILUX-M Aspherical -Black

Profoto B2 250 AirTTL To-Go Kit

Profoto Air Remote Transceiver

Profoto 2′ Octagonal Off-Camera Flash Softbox

Profoto Off-Camera Flash Speedring for Profoto B1 and B2

Related Videos:
Simply Stunning Beauty Lighting:

Metering for Light Ratios

Classic Episodes:
Light Ratios

Seven Lighting Setups

Model: Nikki Nikki

Photos by Mark Wallace

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  1. That Nurse Vicky says

    You have a way of teaching that makes it very easy for me to understand. Thank you so much =)

  2. denny11lane says

    The good thing (there are several) about Mark is that he is NOT a pretentious "Artist".! ….. He knows what works for him, and he explains the process well. Everybody should try other things as well, but at least you know "his way" will work to some kind of reasonable effect.
    On a side note……WHY do models wear So Much F'ing Makeup..!!???

  3. cyberspooky says

    Nice work Mark , strategically positioned stain to show how easy it is for people to get hung up on a small detail 😎

  4. Dr Rao PVN says


  5. smedz28 says

    That's very interesting as I would normally assume that a hair light or rim/separation light would be exposed lower than the key light. I recently done some school photos and found that I had to lower the power of my hair/rim/separation light just over a full stop down from what the key light was measuring because it was too overpowering. I had my key light metered at f2.8 in a softbox, the other light behind and to camera left was eventually metered at f1.8 which was a standard reflector with a 50 degree grid. When the second light was also metered at f2.8 it was causing some really high key or over exposed areas

  6. Julio C. Anaya says

    I love this video, very well explained. I have already recommended it to my friends.

  7. Sista Suga says

    Mark, you are always concise in explaining these types of instructions. Very helpful, thank you!

  8. David Morgan says

    Wow. This video is so incredibly helpful. Thank you!

  9. Lonnie Paulson says

    That model is very photogenic. Lucky you.

  10. Rod Allsopp says

    Very informative, thank you.

  11. Charrese Monique says

    Thank you so very much! This is great! God bless you! 😊

  12. Deny Caron says

    Wahoo, jolie la demoiselle…. excellente vidéo !!!!!

  13. augenbutter says

    Didn't hear a thing only saw the sweat or grease stain on your shirt!

  14. Sameir Ali says

    A well explained video.
    Very helpful for the beginners.

    Thanks a lot.
    Looking forward for more exciting videos.

  15. image studio says

    thank you sir…

  16. Scott Waldron says

    Mark, great videos as always!

  17. Jim Slade says

    Massively helpful and informative video, Mark, you are the best! Cheers!

  18. V Dan says

    Simply awesome

  19. Very good video. But Mark, please, watch that stain in your shirt.

  20. bassey edoho says

    Goodness me. This is just brilliant Mr Wallace! This just explains and teaches me just what I need for studio lighting. Thank you.

  21. Rene Abreu says

    Excelent video. Congratulations.

  22. Isabelle Thomas says

    If you are in a room with fluorescent office lights just above your model, do you turn the fluorescent lights off or do you kill them with increasing shutter speed or f-stop on your camera so they don’t affect the ambient light and the colour of your pictures? It is just that my grey background was not grey….like it should have been…and I did not know if I should have turned them off (my camera was on auto white balance by the way…)

  23. radioadde says

    Great video. Especially like the top view drawings and the drone part. Great way to explain how to place and set up lights.

  24. Isaac Azulay says

    Thanks Mark for your amazing videos! I have learned so much thanks to you!

  25. James Harris says

    When I saw your thumbnail I thought you had color-graded Niki, but since you are your regular color she looks golden. I've never seen a golden person before; is that makeup or is she really that color? Looks interesting!

  26. Roman Emin says

    Great video, a real masterclass. Thanks a lot for sharing.

  27. Saikat Saha says

    hey mark…. when is your next trip to India?

  28. JayTube says

    Thank you good sir

  29. R'tez vlogs says

    Hello!! I'm inspired by ur videos i want to become fashion photographer if u agree my suggestion I wanted to work with you AND AM RAVI FROM INDIA……

  30. justhughmorme says

    Mark, fantastic as always. Can you make a video on the best height of the camera for various portraits in relation to the subject, IE, head, body, bust, or multiple subjects, ect..

  31. Terry Day says

    Great stuff Mark, Thanks

  32. Ric says

    Great video as always. Probably the simplest and best demonstration I've watched on this topic. How small a room can you use to set this up?

  33. Jeff Hambleton says

    This is the ultimate lighting video

  34. Martin says

    …. interesting model… ?!

  35. John Spencer says

    excellent explanation, thank you.

  36. Mark Day says

    Simplicity in itself – ratios for me from now on! Thank you Mark

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