0:06 – use a drop of water to create macro photos
3:24 – underwater photo hacks
6:34 – DIY photo lightbox
10:05 – sunglasses filter
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Noobs just use Adobe Photoshop…
Je ne sais pas quoi penser entre dire bravo pour certaines des idées ou rire du ridicule des gens d’aujoud’hui pour se casser la tête a se faire une photo qui partira dans un réseaux social que tout le monde aura oublier 3 jour après le post.
A lot of these are dumb and impractical

Wow nice
Which mobile do you have
Get a life!
Good, now i wont use my filters anymore
All photos took from your camera so it's nice

..try in your phone it's not proper

aise hacks are come in simple camera editing but in Android not in i phone

Some great ideas
Kill yourself if you came for real tips
Detrás de toda foto de instagram, Hay una persona haciendo el ridículo
basically u need an iPhone to take good photos.(rather i'll be happy to keep my kidney)
Les moyens pour faire des fesses plus bombées, c'est vraiment une façon de complexer les femmes qui ont du mal avec leur corps. Une mauvaise idée…
Half of this stuff u can my huawei p30 can do by itself such as macro lens, making the lights a heart shape etc
Great creations!
You lying cause I tried the three arms but nope it’s work
Fantástic tips but panorama mode did not work. captured only one position of my body.
Ha you read it
Alguien español??
Anything for boy photography?
As soon as I saw her eyes I went to the comment section

All done by women. What do you expect.
4:48 and now lets have a look for a Perfect grained Photo…. In Phone do not close up in photos
Am I the only one who noticed she has 2 eye colors 5:21 ??!?!?
2:58 effect of flash doesnt look like this, it looks like…? Just try Photo with flash you Will know what I mean
1:51 Just another Photo with Ton of IPhone Photoshop, use normal mirror, not dark Phone
… Jezus 5 minute crafts suxks and they are idiots at everything
0:32 its shit, Photo doesnt look like this, IPhone do not have slow-motion… Próba ły its video from internet, made by REAL camera
For the God's sake!!!!!!! Buy normal camera and don' play with shitty IPhone "cool photos made by Phone processor"
2:49 this hack doesn't work at all. I tried it with iPhone n Samsung..didn't work.