Exploring Kuala Lumpur | Photography at Petronas Towers | Malaysia Travel Vlog


The Malaysia travel vlog continues with a wander through Kuala Lumpur and some photography at Petronas Towers.
Jodie’s Vlog, including upcoming Malaysia content will be here:
For my travel photography check me out on IG at @brendanvanson.
Any Malaysia travel guide is going to include some exploration of the city of Kuala Lumpur. And, the truth is, the city they call KL is really the only place on our Malaysia itinerary. We really want to see as much of the city as possible in the 2 days we have here. I also want to grab a couple images of some of the sights in Kuala Lumpur, even though I’m supposed to be on a bit of a vacation rather than shooting photography.
For @alajode’s Kuala Lumpur blog she really wanted to check out the 3 nations that are involved in Malaysian life. So, we started in Chinatown, then went to Little Italy, and then ended in the center of town near the Petronas Towers.
We had so much Malaysian food, too, it was crazy. I’m not sure how we managed to walk so much. We went to a great brunch place called VCR, then had lunch in Brickfields, and finished with street food. We also made use of the infinity pool at our Kuala Lumpur hotel.
Kuala Lumpur at night is an amazing place. And, I wanted to capture the lights and beauty of the Petronas Towers at night. So, that was our last stop. I struggled a bit with the photography at the towers. They are just so massive, and the area around them is pretty busy. But, I do think I managed to get a couple cool photos anyways.
Tomorrow, the Malaysia travel vlog is over and I’m headed onward to my next destination. Stay tuned!

  1. nukiepie says

    Lmfao u wlked past my hotel

  2. Ivar Voorel says

    hi, if you come back to malaysia, let me know maybe we can help eachother 🙂

  3. zana Baktesyi says

    Wowww.so amazing picture of twin tower.

  4. Daffa Reyhan says


  5. Juhaini Hariadi says

    pernah kesanaaaaaa….akuuu

  6. wanmedia says

    if you want to really see the malay side of kuala lumpur..go to KAMPUNG BARU..that's the countryside in a modern city

  7. Ary Slash says

    Welcome back to malaysia after 2020..

  8. Santi Cazorla says

    Malaysian are consists of malay, chinese, indian not chinese, indian, malaysian….. because we all are malaysian

  9. Marcella Cella says

    Download Grab car apps..more cheap

  10. Ghoskull War says

    9:12 Wow.

  11. kuazexin says

    Almost no Malaysian Chinese associate themselves with China Town anymore, its just something stuck in a bygone era, tbh most of us don’t really know what place to associate our identity as most of us live in cookie cutter housing estates.

  12. PinkColour says

    Welcome to Kuala Lumpur..

  13. Khidhir Nor Idir says

    Last second view in video so beautiful

  14. Dutch Nomad Couple says

    Incredible, great video and love the soundtrack. Wasn't aware of the fact there are so much different cultures mixed in KL/Malaysia. Your breakfast looks healthy and delicious btw 😉

  15. irishque ahmad says

    there are chinese, indians and MALAYS, not Malaysian people, all of us are Malaysian and that includes Sikh as well as other indigenous races and mixed races

  16. Oliver Pascoe says

    Epic edits man !! Just found you're channel and love it. Keep up the good work

  17. satirafira says

    are you still in malaysia ? you should visits Putrajaya…its the administration capital of malaysia….approximately 40-45km from KL 🙂

  18. Mudd Cat says

    Nice cap B .., you were in Vancouver?

  19. Kudin Kun says

    Have a pleasant stay here 🙂 Have u try nasi Lemak ? original one…

  20. allan sisson says

    I like the idea you came up with, asking Jody to help with the reflections.

  21. Savage Frieze says

    What a welcome relief to see Jody!😉

  22. Shahrul Azwan Sahbudin says

    try KL Tower, for another shot of KLCC….

  23. John Leon-Guerrero says

    Eat the durian Señor Dedo!!  hahahaha

  24. Brewlee1 says

    I think I'll watch the movie "Entrapment" with Catherine Zeta Jones and Sean Connery. It was filmed in KL and the Towers. BTW, love your videos and can't wait to see Jodie's.

  25. D X says

    Brendan, during the blue hour, you said you were struggling to find the composition because the towers are so big.  Try to go to the base of the towers, stand right between them and shoot straight up with the wide angle lens.  That would be a cool image.

  26. JC Traveler says

    If the humidity heat makes you feel hammered, you should take electrolyte powder packets daily to restore minerals and salt.

  27. Jim Snedden says

    I see the same neighborhood shift in Queens and Brooklyn where your in a Chinese neighborhood the block ends now Indian block ends Spanish. It's awesome drive a few blocks (or walk) and you'll get a totally different meal. 😁

  28. Kyad C. says

    hows the weather down there? (photography wise i mean) planning to go there at the end of the month.

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