Wedding Photography – New York City Behind The Scenes (Engagement Style Shoot)
Today we’re in NYC for a shoot. 4 locations.
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June 10th Patreon goes up to $30 from $20! Sign up now to get the $20 rate forever!
Love how easy you make these look.
What time was this done?
Osm broo love from India
Luv my 35 Tami
Great video
This has probably been asked but where/how do you mount your behind the camera camera?
Great tips….thanks TJ!
How long does it take you to go through all of those shots?
Don't let your pizza dreams be pizza dreams yo. …JUST….DOO IT!!
That panorama technique is called the Brenizer Method!. Look it up for more creative uses
Now I want pizza…..again.
Nice song, but never like that of the “burrito”
Waiting to see a TAYLOR JACKSON street photography vlog.
Come to Monterey and Ill buy you lunch! @danieljamesmonterey
Love the mood on the edits. What is the name of the bracket you attached to the camera to get that POV for your GoPro?
I always look forward to your videos and learn so many helpful things
the 45 pano does make the buildings look larger but photoshop has a hard time correcting converging verticals (when shooting up or down at extremes) i think its best to just go with the wide angle (in this scenario) and shoot it straight at the horizon then crop the foreground out sorta like as if it was a tilt-shift. great images as always!
First adobe now you are raising rates…
Noticed that you always used single vs continues shooting, is there a reason (buffer) concerns?
Awesome video as always Taylor, if you don't mine me asking what time of the day did you start your photoshoot? NYC can be quite busy
Stunning pictures, Taylor! great job as always
Is there a specific 40 mm lens you like?
Hey Taylor, how do you like the Tamron 35mm/45mm lens for weddings? Do you think its reliable and fast?
I love how you mentioned how a wide angle makes the city look smaller, I never would have noticed or even thought about that so that’s great to know for the future!
great shots taylor
Do you put a GoPro on your camera to make these videos??
Is that guy on your shirt your dad? That cool, I’m going to make one for me
I want to be booked to shoot in dumbo
great work !
My mannnnn I made some of my own bts videos because of u
i see a new video, i immediately click
Yay! Great way to wake up, with that sweet sweet TJ footy.