Photoshop Camera Raw | Cool Photo Effects Tutorial
So in this tutorial i used photoshop camera raw to put dramatic photo effects. i hope you will enjoy this tutorial.
Photo Credits
Music Credits
Amazing Grace by Audionautix is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
Instagram : arunzcreation
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how to get the camera raw filter into the filter menu? watch my at once and dislikes it if You don't like .
Love the music.
Hi, I have Camera Raw 9.1.1 but unfortunately just the linear graduated filter. May you can help me?
UN BE LIEVABLE !!!!!!!! Don't ever stop sharing your skills please!!!
wow! you are a boss!
I always wanted to know how this effect was achieved. Thank you
excellent Photo manipulation tutorial
This is a great guide for a beginner or expert compositor. It starts off with the basics of extraction and how to shoot your subject and takes you all the way through creating wonderful composites for an array of different projects. It helped a great deal with my learning curve for composting pictures. This learning by doing method gave me the confidence to take on more complex projects and was very fun to do.
You are the best!
It would have been better if you explain the process as video sometimes difficult to see the options you are using, Still thanks for sharing, great information. Reg Luz
which app is this?????
полная фигня. Тут минимум кадрирование надо было сделать. А в итоге левое боке и уный недоцвет.
please tell me.. how to get oil paint filter in CC.. or camera Raw filter in cs6
You have revolutionized my editing process with this video. I was under using ACR so much!!! Thank you!
what kind of phoshop version is this? I cannot find the option camera raw filter in my filters' gallery… if I click ctrl+shift+a phtotoshop opens the wide angle filters…
you are genius Arun!
I'm a little confused around 3:35 when you add the 2nd layer and the last few steps. Not sure how you did that. By the way, love the tutorial. Thanks for making it!!!
You're incredible. Truly gifted artist.
love the effect..
Thanks a lot. Only one thing, at 3:47, how do you change from white to black layer?
good tutorial
Awesome, Arun
Una composición muy sutil, y romantica… gracias
LOVE this one! You are amazing my friend!
where can i find and download camera raw for cs5???????plz reply.
Good tutorial…
nice one
GoooooD Bro
Nice, you mind linking us the file for your logo? thanks
Excellent !
wow ! amazing work Arun sir