Biology Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Part 16 (Cyclic Photo-phosphorylation) CBSE class 11 XI
Biology Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Part 16 (Cyclic Photo-phosphorylation) CBSE class 11 XI
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Biology Photosynthesis in Higher Plants Part 16 (Cyclic Photo-phosphorylation) CBSE class 11 XI
A initially learned photography as a kid shooting black & white then developing the photos in a dark room, that was a magical time and sparked my interest in photography. As I got older I dabbled in digital photography but wasn't until my kids were born that i really started to get an active interest back in it all.
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Mam when I searched in Google I found that iron-sulpher and ferredoxin electron carrier are same. Am I right
If photolysis of water does not takes place in PS2 then how protons are produced? How gradient break down takes place?????
Very nice explain ma'am
Thanks a lot ma'am.
mam ps1 will absorb what light red or blue pls say
The whole video is confusing about red and blue lightπ₯π₯
i know there wont be any replies but stil…..if there is no water photolysis occuring then how does the proton gradient in the lamellae occur
Wow what a lecture
nice explanation excellent
Mam how does proton gradient is created in stroma lamellae as there is no splitting of water takes place in cyclic phosphorylation then how does it happens???? Please answer this question…….
well explained
there is some confusion here. In previous video part 9 you said ps1 = 700nm = blue light. But here it says ps1 = 700nm = red light. I think both ps1 and ps2 absorb red light. But then I wonder why rate of photosynthesis is high in blue light which is only around 450nm
u make Us Believe on E education!!
Mam plastoquinone is not involved here I referred ncert tb after ferrodoxin electrons are transferred to cytochrome b6 n f
best way to learn easily
isn't 700nm blue light ?
aree but in non cyclic process…..ps1 was there so ……who compense that lost of electron ……that was cyclic so electron cannot recollect there
Correct me if I m wrongg
plz solve doubt.
after ferredoxin their is NADP+ reductase enZyme is their na? then in cyclic after ferredoxin their is synthesis of nadp+ nd again their is ATP synthasis isnt it? confusion
Well explained
you are awesome….made it simple…textbook doesn't gives it sequentially
Mam u r the best teacher
Mam, Thanks a ton! You're amazing! Love you ππ
how poton is accumulated in stroma lamellae
thnq mam………… u really have a god gifted talent of explanation ……………… I will support this website…. nd plzzz give pmt lessons too
great, u make it look very simple..!!
love your videos..!!!!!!!!!!!!