BEST TRAVEL CAMERA That We Use On Every Trip (2019)


What the best travel camera? We believe will answer that question once and for all with this video!

Surprisingly, the best camera isn’t a top of the line DSLR like the Canon 5D IV or the Sony A7R III, but instead, an all-in-one camera from SONY called the RX10 IV. Josh, our resident editor, is here to share some of the top reasons as to why this camera is the best for travelers.

#1 Portability/Weight – This thing only weighs 1 kilogram!

#2 Face-Tracking Technology – There’s nothing worse than a blurry face, right? Well, this technology keeps your face tack sharp.

#3 Insane 24-600mm all-in-one lens – Instead of lugging around multiple lenses, now you just have to carry around one!

#4 Amazing Cinematic Options – with the 120fps 1080p video capability, getting amazing travel video has never been easier. 1080p and 4k capabilities!

#5 In-Body Stabilization – This feature helps greatly if you’ve got a shaky set of hands.

Of course, this is just our opinion but this all-in-one camera has become part of our filmmaking arsenal and many times we’re completely blown away by the kinds of footage we can get out of it.

So if you’re in the market for a new travel camera, get this one!

Disclaimer: This video is not a sponsored post and solely reflects the opinions of High On Life.




Edit by Joshua Laplap
Written by Joshua Laplap & Parker Heuser


• Parker •
• Dan •
• Justis •
• Kenzo •
• Josh •
• Arjun •

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#HighOnLife #HoLInspired #SonyRX10IV

  1. High On Life says

    What's your favorite travel camera? Let us know below.

  2. Nour Al-Imene says

    Yeeeeeesssss plzzzzz tutorials for photo and video- graphy for beginners

  3. Joshua Company says

    That’s a yes… 3 weeks later.

  4. Rick c says

    What video editing technic do you use your videos are the awsome

  5. Rania N says

    Tutorials ? hell yeah ! To be honest I waited this video for two years


    yep video editing turtorial would be nice

  7. Mareike Schmidt says

    Tutorials, yes please! =)


    The camera look great. I have the A6300 but the rx looks better in 4K?

  9. Devon Ash says

    Oh my gosh this is only the second video I’ve watched from your channel and about to go check out more after this comment but I would LOVE tutorials on video editing and shooting and even photography. Thank you so much this video was so helpful and well put together. Great great great work😍

  10. Rita Serra says

    Love these kinds of videos but also want more travel vlogs.. I miss them <3

  11. Ricky_SKM N says

    Hi me indonesian

  12. Rafael Paz says

    Great video mate. I have a GH5 and when went to NZ was a pain in the ass, too heavy to carry even though it's a mirrorless camera. I also had the lenses and my Mavic drone. Last trip I just took a gopro with me because I didn't wanna to carry to much weight with me. Glad to know about this camera for my next trip this year, but would need a camera with better low light situations. Cheers mate for the video

  13. superjfbm says


  14. Rostislav Dvoretsky says

    Thank you for your knowledge guys! I'm starting to save money for it 😉

  15. Breanna Franco says

    Yes! Please share more. Tutorials on edits. More bloopers… More videos in general! 😍😍 great inspiration, love this channel!! 😶😆😆💘

  16. j c says

    Yes please share more information om tutorials that helped a lot ! I get a lot of inspiration from you guys it's always been my dream to travel And do vlogs of my wild adventures

  17. Martin Longo says

    Joshua, photography tutorials from you would be awesome! Specially going through all the gear you use and which camera or set up you use for each situation. Thanks!

  18. stepsbystepss says



    your watching a video of a dead person🙊

  20. Justin Hill says

    Josh, yes please show us a tutorial on how you edit! Please!

  21. ThatJamieGuy says

    Photography tips 👌👌👌

  22. Mari an says

    Any photography tutorials would be appreciated! Especially ones for people new to photography. Thank you!

  23. Captain Projects says

    I would like to see high action cinematic shots tutorials. (Highonlife style)

  24. Cyril T. Bes says

    definitely keen to watch more tutos !! thank you for this amazing vid <3

  25. Our Kite Life says

    Had mark 2 and now mark 4 for a year, simple amazing camera

  26. Anshuman Singh says

    Hey guys, I m leaving everything behind to live the life I ever wanted ie travel the world and make a living out of it.(traveling solo)
    Jetsetter boss is my inspiration,
    Bless me! Guys,
    Thanks for all the wonderful content, you guys are awesome.

  27. dhya zaky says

    Kapan bahas tentang bahasa Indonesia

  28. belizeguy says

    Excellent Tutorial Joshua. Informative, cleverly done an not preachy. I will definitely consider this for my next purchase. I am heading to Las Vegas soon and often find some incredible deals while I am looking about. Thanks and any tips are always welcome ! Trust you are thawing out up there ! Here in the Yucatan we have been 37oC to 41oC for the last few days. Thank goodness for AC!

  29. El Batista says

    yes. more tutorial for me.:)

  30. Dragomir Dragnev says

    i would stay and watch 2 hrs of a tutorial for editing videos like this one

  31. O mundo la fora says

    Soooo this is one of the wonderful cameras You use to record. Laplap you dont have to be nervous, the video is great and explanatory you do well talking, I'm suspect to talk but I loved the video.
    My current camera is called Joshy if I buy this new sony it will be called Laplap!!

    #Laplaprespect #brasilianfan

  32. Seprianti Suparman says

    Yes ofcourse u should make a tutorial video.

  33. Sharlene Briggs says

    Joshi!! Love this video! You're so awesome in front of the camera!!

  34. None of your business says

    Great video !

  35. Justin Ferraccioli says

    Need more joshitoshi vids!!

  36. Lisa's Life says

    Love this! Was thinking about getting one….now I am for sure!!!! Thank you thank you! You are the first to say that it is great for vlogging. I really haven't heard anything bad about this camera. But now that I know you guys use it…'s a definite buy!!!!! Yes tutorial please?

  37. Edward Travels says

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on cameras. I know a lot of viewers appreciate this.

  38. Kenzo Kiren says

    Hahahaha lovin that suuuuuuper duuuuuuper slow mo 😉

  39. yashus u says

    yes josh..plz make a tutorial on video editing

  40. DownieLive says


  41. Joshua Sagraves says

    Tell us everything you know Joshy, we want to get inside your brain, not like in a weird way though. Love you guys. Ok bye.

  42. Justina Angela 1 Angel Eva says

    Love you jos, Parker, justis. 😍😍😍. Jos so cute.,Parker so Handsome and so funny. Justis so hot and sexy. 👌 👌 👌

  43. Justina Angela 1 Angel Eva says

    Woooow so beautifu video, you so talented jos 👌👌👌👌👌

  44. Justina Angela 1 Angel Eva says

    Hello high on life travel Vlogs!!! How are you Joshua.,Parker,justis,?

  45. Britt Pendergrast says

    Yeah I'd like to see some video editing tutorials for sure!

  46. Josh Nuttall says

    Final Cut Pro tutorials please!

  47. MilesAndHeights says

    Canon M50 is a good budget travel camera too with a flippy screen but lacks 120fps@1080 and Ibis. When is that perfect camera coming out?

  48. Sebastian B. says

    Definitely interested in Tutorials! Awesome job, Josh !

  49. Mladen Mladenović says

    Such a great review man!! Would love to see a tutorial

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