1. sandeep rajput says

    Thank you for information 😊

  2. Adory Petrocelli says

    I love that you’re in Manhattan, which is close to us, and second you have motivated I’ve been taking pics of my daughter since she was born, and have thousands of pics, we also got her into modeling and acting years later. She also enjoys playing the piano, gymnastics, and competes nationally in Tae Kwon Doe, so she’s one busy kid, and I’m one busy mommy, but I love everyone
    I love your videos keep up the great work guys, and keep inspiring us to make more for you guys as well. 💖 spread love

  3. SilverArrowNZ says

    Stunning photos I have always wanted to be a photographer and take photos of baby’s and toddlers

  4. Emy Jaycy says

    Bby gt scared 2:42.. Haaha

  5. TheNightwalker247 says

    Thanks for the video being short and informativ 👍🏼

  6. Kendall Pedersen says

    This is so helpful! I’m a teenager working on starting a photography business, and I have my first baby photo shoot today of a good friend’s 3 month old baby boy. Thanks for the tips! I’m so excited!!

  7. sanju b says

    Which continuous lights have you used ?

  8. kripkripix says

    tips: First, have a cute baby..

  9. ImaCoward124 says

    Says to use a prime lens while there's a video of him shooting with a zoom lens. Pretty sure he meant shoot with a wide aperture lens. Examples being lenses with a big aperture throughout entire range like a f/2.8, 2, 1.8 etc

  10. John Gibb says

    Very helpful and photos look brilliant.

  11. Daniel Masters says

    Nice, thanks.

  12. france trottier says

    Love it ! I just myself a new camera Nikon D3000 ..im gonna have lots of fun with 3 month old baby girl 😉

  13. ضحاوي مرت من هنا

  14. Rahul Prajapati says

    It's indeed wonderful tips. Could you please give me a hint how to take pics of my 2 month's baby boy from Nikon camera with 18-200 lens. Well, i am learner and eager to capture my baby's moments.

  15. Prdsdef.taeil says

    What a photogenic baby

  16. Simply Dee says

    Great tips!

  17. Charles Nelson says

    did he just say on its chest ?

  18. Jürgen Niit says

    Such a nice warm-hearted informative video. Thank you!

  19. Brian Pex says

    Great tips and very simple video. Well done. Confidence is the key. Show it and have it and everyone is better off. 🙂

  20. MrCooldude987 says

    sir, how are you getting the soft bright look with that camera? pls guide..

  21. Nubee says

    Can a DSRL be use?

  22. Ana Hoyos says

    What lens are you using ?

  23. ryree6567 says

    A baby big enough to push itself up is big enough to roll right off. I think if you have one person trying to get the baby's attention have another at arms length for safety.

  24. Mk kaur says

    phototography idea was gud but more than that i loved hw your wife loved the baby at the end…….same as i love mine

  25. xokferg894 says

    Adorable baby. Thanks for sharing!

  26. Jessica Borek says

    what lense is that? I have the nikkor 70mm. love it.

  27. ns madhesh says

    can giv some tips for getting an vintage effect in bby photography….

  28. Jp Videos says

    What lens do u use?

  29. Eugene Moises says

    absolutely helpful thanks…

  30. Deanna Burton says

    what exact camera were you using in this video? I would like to purchase one just like that.

  31. IG RCCSSS says

    how many flash stands/lights would you use ?
    I'm new to photography, but looking to get into portraits. (babies or adults)
    what type of light stand kit for beginners at home, would you suggest ?
    because i was wanting to keep costs down but came across this amazon.ca deal…
    any suggestions on the link below ?


  32. Benny L. says


  33. Gigi008 says

    Thank you for the great tips!!! I need your advice please , I'm looking forward to upgrade my Camara I currently have the Nikon D3200 what camera do you recommend for an upgrade.. Thank you again!!

  34. ryan wines says

    What focus mode do you use

  35. MusicAndOtherColors says

    Very helpful video! I'm grateful to you both…. amazing work you're doing there, i love the light and the sense you give to your photos! Thank you for sharing tips !!!!

  36. SurferHawa says

    What's a prime lens? I'm a newb..

  37. Charief Taymour says

    Who Dislikes such a beautiful informative Video ! there will always be one of those who prefer to look for dirt in a snow storm !

  38. Guitar Fun says

    I like the lighting. I see a lot of cut off fingers though

  39. Dipak Parmar says

    Thanks for the tips Michael. Curious what camera hand strap you are using?

  40. funkmaster3939 says

    Great Job Mike 🙂

  41. mona lisa says

    I dont like kids, but this tutorial is so lovely 🙂

  42. Khoa Hoang says

    Great tips!

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