Olympus 40-150mm F2.8 Pro Lens Review & Sample Images

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My review of this fantastic lens from Olympus with some sample images taken at various focal lengths and apertures with the Olympus OMD EM5 mk1 & mk2 cameras.
The lens features a constant F2.8 aperture across the 40-150mm (80-300mm EFL) beautiful manual focus and zoom control. The lens has internal zoom so the lens does not “trombone” as yo extend the zoom.
Weatherproof, that is splash and dust proof and protection from freezing down to -10C.

My photoblog

  1. John Carder says

    Voice Coil Motor, not voice control motor.

  2. Asoldier1844 says

    I wonder how it would work on a gh5 body…🤔

  3. CUISINED says

    Bought it today! Impressed!! 😉

  4. Chris Doc says

    Really nice video and I love your explanation of the focusing system but you refer to the lens focusing mechanism as "Voice control motors" and I think you actually mean "Voice COIL motor" This, as you probably know, but for the interest of your viewers, is a type of electromagnetic winding that provides rapid and accurate movement such as in a loudspeaker or hard drive. Otherwise – GOOD JOB 🙂

  5. JDW says

    You mention in your video that you might do a follow-up regarding the video capability of this lens, and I certainly would appreciate seeing your demonstration of that.  I have been considering the purchase of a GH5 body and as such I would be shooting not only stills but also 4K video.  I currently own a GX7 body and Panasonic 14-140mm HD lens which works nicely without much AF noise during video shooting.  But it is a slow lens which is why I am considering the F2.8 light gathering of the 40-150mm Olympus.  This is important for me, as I shoot a lot of on-stage performances that have dimly lit scenes.

  6. EnGnuttaFredrik says

    Absolutely great video! Your'e a bit like Sir David Attenborough for camera gear 😉

  7. 21upbowls says

    Love this lens and af on the em1 mark2 is superb. Notice you took some shots at the cafe at Rivington Graham, we go there quite often as live local. Great review thanks.

  8. Kevin Saruwatari says

    Thanks for the focus explanation. No wonder it's so fast.

  9. Colin -47 says

    Excellent succinct review Graham, it really does look superb. Thank you.

  10. Rahul Vj says

    Hey Graham, great video. I upgraded my FZ-200 to the EM5 II in 2015 and I can never be more happy. I still use the FZ200 though. I've the 12-40 pro, 40-150 f4-5.6R and an old classic pentax 50mm f1.4 lens. If you have time kindly check my videos..:) Thank you

  11. MrSonicAdvance says

    It's an absolute jewel of a lens. Beautifully sharp for a zoom.

  12. MrSonicAdvance says

    It's an absolute jewel of a lens. Beautifully sharp for a zoom.

  13. Ern Reeders says

    I believe the TC also works with the Olympus 300mm.

  14. Gary Poole says

    Great lens I want one! Pity so expensive I would have to stop the wife's beer money!.

  15. jeffhalebopp says

    Another great informative video. Thanks Graham!

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