DIY Fluorescent Photography Studio Lighting with T8 Bulbs – Make your own kino flo portrait lighting


This is a DIY fluorescent studio lighting photography set-up that is perfect for portrait photography and beauty shots and headshots. You can build it yourself for under $400 dollars.

I began using this DIY fluorescent lighting technique nearly 15 years ago, long before kino-flo’s and Peter Hurley became popular. I have been asked to describe it so many times that I decided it was time to put together a few tutorials to show how to build it and how to use it.

So for under $400.00 you have a 4 light studio lighting set-up that is suitable for still AND video photography and unlike my previous set-up these units can be hung from a glide track or stand mounted in other a horizontal or vertical position. They are more energy efficient, brighter and they make no noise that will interfere with your sound recordings.

How well do they light? All of my narrative was shot using this DIY set-up.

I almost forgot the best part…. little to no flicker! You can shoot portraits and headshots at shutter speeds higher then 125th of a second with no adverse effects!

Be sure to Watch Part II in the series:

To get read about updates to these lights:

UPDATE: I now have an LED version of these lights: – watch the video here:

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FTC Disclosure: No sponsors have paid for or provided equipment or material shown in this video
#ishootpeople #joeedelman

  1. Night Stringers says

    I watched this years ago and agian just now. I love your videos .I love these lights I want to try and make them but use the LED version of tubes

  2. Russell __ says

    Nice… Thanks

  3. HERO says

    thank you. very nice . please how to make RingLight DIY

  4. gereral1 says

    great video

  5. john david jaime oyola says

    Wow, it took me a second to realize it was you, what a transformation

  6. Troy D says

    Just wondered if you considered going the LED route? I've seen some individually powered LED lights on Amazon, the only problem I'm seeing is the CRI is typically about 80. I'm not sure the CRI of the T8 bulbs. I can say I've used the screw in 85 W CFB, and they do generate a fair amount of heat in a soft box . LEDs by comparison are much less hot. I'm trying to design a set for my copy work, and typically use up to 60,000 lm. Certainly a critical factor in doing copy work is CRI though. I can also say the LEDs would be lighter weight as well.

  7. Maz says

    Joe… Is that really you? :O WOW. What's the secret?

  8. Divino Dayacap says

    "I Shoot People"

  9. Sandra Maniscalco says

    Wow! I've spent a lot of time watching your videos today (and there are so many more that I need to watch)! Very helpful information. Thank you so much!!!!

  10. Barky Von Schnauzer says

    Wow! You look amazing. What was your secret to becoming healthy? Curious minds want to know.

  11. MJ Stagg says

    Dude! Great video @Joe Edelman !!! Fab DIY tutorial AND inspiring to see that you've taken your health more seriously and slimmed down. I'm on the same path and have about 75 lbs. to go before I'm at my ideal weight! Kudos, sir and thanks, as always, for the great content!

  12. Mj Gungon says

    First it was nothing, then when your logo came out the video, i totally confused, it was like "who is he?" Checked the comments and its you, youve gained too much?

    Any way have a nice day

  13. Clyde 1066 says

    Holy cow! From eighties nerd to modern day hipster. Great recreation of yourself; I bet there is an interesting story. Your instructional videos are world-class and so is your attitude. Keep up the good work, Mr. Edelman!

  14. Mark Harris says

    The aliens have kidnapped our Joe! You have done brilliantly losing the weight but even better keeping it off. Personally I think your entire image now is better for three reasons:

    1) You have an individual style now and I'm a big believer in individualism, who wants to be a sheep in a flock of identical sheep.

    2) It must be better for marketing as it shows you have style, and people will remember you if not your name.

    3) I have a feeling you are more comfortable with the present image, unfortunately too many go through life never being the person they've been forced to be.

    I think out of all the changes it's the "Smile" finger tattoo I like the best, it shows off your sense of fun. Well done sir.

  15. Marcelo Góes says

    oh boy. Only in the end I realised that it was Joe Eldeman all the time and not a guest. =)

  16. Lightbox Images says

    Where do you get the shopping list ?

  17. VietKiemTruGian says

    ==Doesn't say where to find the information on the mounting collar options== Same here. I click on the link ( ) and it bring me to your home page ( . Can you post the link so I can purchase the mounting collar for my set ? Thank you Joe

  18. 曼思攝影XRoPhoto says

    it was 2012! wow! such an amazing quality video!!

  19. Axis of_Peter says

    I saw your more recent videos first. You look like a different person. What a transformation! And the cowboy shirts top it off. Good for the brand, I bet. I love your videos. I shoot, make some mistakes, then come back and correct based on what you are doing. So helpful!

  20. guru photo myladuthurai says

    It is amazing how much better it makes you feel

  21. Roland Paniti says

    WTF maan? 😀 Same movement, same ears, same eyes, same mouth, is it Joe Edelman' s twin? And then realised…

  22. tom Jenn says

    Thanks Joe. Nice lighting set up. One more thing, did you have a special diet, exercise plan to get into shape? Please share for all us old guys that need to drop a few pounds.

  23. Wendy Gregory says

    Thank you for sharing this. This was about 4 years ago and I'm wondering if you have found a way to implement and LED version of this? Thanks!

  24. BlackRaven156 says

    This is great!

  25. Igor Sharykin says

    Hey, good job men!! you lost lots of weight!!

  26. Patrick Latour says

    Joe, I have to say a big thank you. Having stopped photography a couple of years ago, you lit back that spark inside of me. Your videos are so clear, refreshing, easy to follow and understand (even for non-english guys, like me) and did I say funny ? And congrats for your new look!!

  27. Cristo Power says

    hi i want to know where I can place the screw 1/4 '' – 20 x 1/2 … today buy these lights in homedepot and really are great, also mean I could not find the semi-gloss paint but other than that brand semi-gloss and let me know if I can use another painting another brand … thanks and my English is not very good lol. I give 100/100 for this video

  28. Tafsir Ahmed says

    The video i was looking for very long time! Many thanks. (Thumbs UP).

  29. Mick Hanlon says

    Wow had double take and then read the name,Jeo amazing transformation .I am a big guy and seeing you has given me inspiration, your light mod is cool to.

  30. Michael Zerivitz DDS says

    Joe: Have you tried T8 LED tubes instead of Fluorescents? What do you think about the new daylight (4000K and 5000K) LED's for studio portraits?

  31. Bill Hardman says

    I currently have a Spiderlite TD6 with 6 bulbs that I use for constant lighting. Of course the cost of getting a 2nd unit is above my budget. I am thinking of building one of these t8 units to compliment my Spiderlite and was wondering if you think they would work together or should I scrap the idea? btw, truly enjoy your videos.

  32. Photo Zavaleta says

    what's with the dramatic change in your looks? not judging obviously, simple curiosity

  33. Hi Joe,
    do you think this kind of lighting is a good solution for greenbox productions ?

  34. Jake Alexander Bryant says

    Hi Joe! I built 2 fluorescent lamps, consisting of 4 T8 bulbs each lamp, purchased at Home Depot. I found $49 lamps with a metal safety grid protecting the front. The bulbs were the Phillips T8, approx 2800 lumens, 80 CRI, Daylight 5000K.

    Question: With my first test shots the pics lean towards the yellow/green hue. Do you always adjust for the added yellow/green in post? (assuming you get yellow/greenish hues also). If so, the little extra adjustment is an acceptable compromise between the low cost ($49 + $40 bulbs each lamp) and the quality/output of light. I'm really impressed, so thanks again!

  35. Terence Kearns says


  36. Damarcus Miller says

    Joe, I really appreciate you replying back. Very professional of you.

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