1. Its Me says

    Good job.. Thank you.. What is the best lens to be used with Nikon D90 or Nikon D7000 to shoot top table products?

  2. Product Photo Canada says

    Please don't stop this kind of activity. It's really helpful. Good job!

  3. Marcel Gort says

    Very usefull. Thanks

  4. Omar says

    very good video

  5. Stinky Crayons says

    Just stick with the 40d unless you are making a living off photography. If you have a good paid gig come up rent gear till you make enough to support gear upgrades. The money you would be spending would better go towards marketing yourself or lighting / lenses. Clients are not camera experts or nerds they just want to see results. On a glance they won't be able to tell if you shot it with a phone or a $10,000 camera.

  6. Asad.akhtar says

    I had 40D .. now I have 5D and 5D II… 5D Classic is really a good camera for photography though you will feel lack of some features as its an old camera but u will really enjoy the image quality

  7. Adrian Zaharia says

    Offtopic question! I have a Canon 40D and want to move to a ff sensor camera. I can't afford a 5Dmk2 so i was thinking on a 5D classic(2005 model). What do you think? Looking at the features the 40D is more advanced but is a crop sensor camera. The 5D is with 2 year older a the 40D but is a ff sensor camera and i heard that the iq is better.

  8. JuniorK says

    Very good video, when does lecture 2 arrive?

  9. Vetal Romanov says


  10. Peter Tuthill says

    thanks 🙂

  11. Jim Clarke says

    More more more more did I say more oh yes I did so I did please may we have many more of such lectures as this was very informative and it did not hurt my brain just because you kept it simple for me to understand. Thank you Alex it was very enjoyable to watch and learn.

  12. trevorpinnocky says

    I liked this first video. It's so difficult to cover this much information in 34 minutes. For that you deserve a lot of credit. You might want to change your title from "Tabletop Studio Photography for beginners" to "Introductory Tabletop Studio Photography". Some people might think it's for beginner photographers otherwise. Cheers.

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