1. Katie Kuecker says

    Leslie mentioned having a meeting with a group of girls before choosing.  Is this meeting to introduce the program and do people do this? And explain the goal?

  2. Linwood Turner says

    I have it set up where each rep receives $50 in print credit and a $50 prepaid Visa card every time they have 5 paid referrals.  

  3. Sierra Fennimore says

    I love this! I was really interested in how the senior rep programmed worked, but I was nervous on how to go about it. Ever since I have been following your videos I have gained revenue and clients, but I am still growing and have to budget my money, so I'm so happy to heart that I don't have to spend a fortune to get more seniors! Thank you both so much! You don't know what this means to me

  4. Brighter Focus Photography says

    Totally Awesome! Full of some amazing information. Can't wait until tomorrow when the download goes live. Excited to begin planning for senior reps this school year!

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