1. A. R. says

    Poor Liam.

  2. happysoo says

    Aww he's so sweet , "me and my wife" 😍

  3. Danielle King says

    Honestly I would of said i won't share these on one condition, I wanna be miley's bestfriend make it happen 😂

  4. S M says

    Oh god someone actually married no ass??? And it's one of the hemsworth bros no less… rip 😢

  5. o.kay says

    I mean does anyone develop photos nowadays?!!!!

  6. Über Babe says

    I've heard Miley speak and anyone who would marry her is a cookoo in my book.

  7. Kim Yoongi says

    Bet he calls miley beguiling

  8. Carole A says

    Imagine having Chris Hemsworth contact you !

  9. likelee E says

    Chris is such a dork 🤣. Well, guys whose name is Chris definitely a DORK.

  10. Real Mama Jess says

    I wouldn’t share the private photos. Wrong is wrong. Glad some people have integrity.

  11. NOMOlonelyNOMOhappy says

    I would definitely not sell them… but I couldve at least asked chris a signed mjolnir 😂

  12. Axexavier Tyler King says

    As a parent I'd be disappointed I raised a dumbo who fumbles the bag

  13. olivia rose says

    Props to her

  14. Isidro Fuentes says


  15. amal zuhair says

    It’s so cute how they broke up for almost three years and got back together and now they’re married like a romantic movie the love is still alive even after they are apart 💕

  16. Lissa Love says

    In Australia were not dogs we respect other’s! 💕🇦🇺💕

  17. M F says

    They are perfect together!! And both are lucky!!

  18. Laura Michelle says

    When he said “it’s me and my wife” I can not love them both more!! Ahhhh so happy for them! Love it 😍
    It’s about damn time tho!

  19. Kim Hall says

    Too cute congrats ! I hope they have a long and happy life together.


    Just wait till Taylor swift and Joe Alwyn get married

  21. Samuel Roy says

    Goddamm it all to hell. I am gonna marry Miley Cyrus she is destined to be one of my many wives.

  22. sdidora5 says

    Biotch for announcing that

  23. Sabrina Samsuddin says

    If I was her I would have asked Chris to have coffee with me as a bribe 😁

  24. elsa elsa says

    Myllie love you

  25. Kenn says

    She could’ve made a mili off of those photos

  26. tanu thakur says

    I wish i could bethe lucky girl to get those pics.. I was soooo happy when I heard miley wedding

  27. vranda Sharma says

    I know its just tricky and blady game cris Hemsworth ad liam nice gys

  28. PrynKya says

    She's awesome.

  29. Haley Faragalli says


  30. V 12 says

    Cute couple

  31. Brie The Princess says

    Who cares..

  32. Trima Frank says

    I wish i was their sister lol

  33. Cersei Lannister says

    This is just like the number games their private life becomes ours and their just doing all this stuff to keep us distracted

  34. Cersei Lannister says

    Just fake news bs

  35. Andrea Lim says

    I also think ET won't be that nice too

  36. Melanie Moon says

    Chris Hemsworth is just a happy big brother!

  37. D Motta says

    I’m happy for them , she’s a beautiful girl

  38. Miss Betrolln says

    Good Karma for her! This world is so money hungry that most ppl would exploit or blackmail them for sure…

  39. SuperBrendan says

    But you’d have been the first to post them if she leaked them ay.

  40. Sarcastic Klutz says

    He takes good pics

  41. charlotte : says

    "on wednesday" …today is wednesday we-

  42. Jeffy Mathew says

    So what if it got leaked?

  43. Amber Luckes says

    Miley negative red Miley lie

  44. salma bm says

    So happy for them ❤❤

  45. Brian Chikwendu says

    Wait they’re married 😱

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