I GOT IT. WILDLIFE PHOTOGRAPHY when it all comes together!


Hey Guys I’m back and today I want to share with you a couple of very special images…
I’ve been sitting on these a while whilst they were entered into competitions, but after previewing them at the Photography Show back in March, I wanted to share with you my final image from the Amazon. The King Himself.

This is what photography is all about for me, working hard on a project, slogging away to get an image you’ve had in your mind for ages, pushing aside the doubts, difficulties and committing to what you want to achieve! The truth is ANYONE can make great images, it just takes time, effort, patience and determination to get the shots.

On this channel I’m going to be working hard to bring you more from behind the lens, I can’t promise weekly uploads (because wildlife doesn’t work like that) and I wont just make videos for the sake of it… However I do promise to keep working on sharing the thoughts and tips behind images, shoots and projects, as well as advice and reviews to help you make the most of your wildlife photography in the field!

I’m stoked that over 10,000 have subscribed to the channel and as a thank you I’m going to be doing a couple of giveaways in the future, however starting with my time. If you want to win a 1on1 Skype with me to talk about your images, get some advice and tips then just be sure to subscribe and comment below on 1) whats you’d like to see on the channel and 2) why you think you’d benefit from the 121!

For any of those thinking about investing in a cheap camera for camera trapping just like my D3100 I often grab mine from Wex… Any purchases support the channel and additionally they have a great service and warranty on all their used gear!

More videos are on the way form the UK and from some exciting trips later this spring/Summer! As always if you have any questions drop them below and be sure to follow me on Instagram for new stories and images as well – @TomMasonPhoto.

In Peru I have been staying with the awesome CREES foundation at the MLC in Manu. Over the last 30 years they have taken an area of deforested farmland and by working with local people, with a solid conservation strategy have shown just what’s possible by bringing the rainforest and animals back to this part of Manu!
For more information check out their website :

In this series I’m using the epic Scout trigger from Cognisys, I’ve been testing these for over a year now and really have only good things to say! You can check out more info on their site

You can check out more of my work on my website :
or over on Instagram + Twitter — @TomMasonPhoto

In my kit bag : (Affiliate links Wex UK – you pay nothing extra!)
Nikon Monarch HG 8×30’s Binoculars
Nikon D850 :
Nikon D500 :
Nikon 300mm 2.8 VR II :
Nikon 70-200 VR II :
Nikon 24-70 2.8 :
Nikon 20mm 1.8G :
Nikon 105mm 2.8 Macro :
Nikon 1.4 TC III :
Lowepro Whistler 450 AW backpack :
Gitzo 3542LS :
Gitzo Fluid Gimbal :
Manfrotto Xpro Ball head :
Gitzo Traveller :
Lee Filters :
3 x Nikon DSLR Camera Traps with Cognisys Scout IR Triggers.

See you in the next one!
#WildlifePhotography #DSLRCameraTrap

  1. Imran Najafi says

    Awesome photo Tom, was gonna ask if you did get a Jaguar from your trip to the Amazon. Ages ago I just had a compact digital camera in the Pench National Park India went there for Tigers and ended up with variety of wildlife photos and one Tiger photo. Moral of the story you expect one thing and you get the unexpected.

  2. vladeb says

    Excellent camera trap shots. You’d enjoy the locations I work as a wildlife biologist in the Florida Everglades.

  3. alex galo says

    that a very very great shots , i am wildlife photographer amateur and since i know ur chanel i am interesting in camaratraping, at the moment i use 2 hunting caaratrap and i am prety happy when discover inside some cool animals like genet or garden dormice. It will be nice if u do a special : how to start camera traping , flash , were to buy , prices , how to put things etc

    thanks for give us things like u do

  4. edmendoza photography says

    So, so well done, great work Tom!!

  5. Steve Mattheis says

    Congrats on the Jaguar image and on the 10k subs👍👍

  6. Mick Vollans says

    Really pleased for you.

  7. Craig Maisfield says

    Amazing image Tom.

  8. Mac McMillen says

    Phenomenal image! I can't imagine how it could have turned-out any better. Your videos are great, and I've certainly learned some things watching them. Lastly, I agree with your decision to put out quality videos that you are proud of and that will benefit your viewers. Too many other YouTubers out there just putting out "filler" videos rather than high quality ones. Thanks!

  9. OhSoCheesy says

    My favorite is the one of you on all fours! 🙂 This is really awesome Tom. That emotion that you showed when you revealed the image is exactly why I do it as well. I'm not a pro, but the reason is the same.

    Also, there are enough videos out there made because there is a schedule to keep with zero content. To me if you don't have anything to say then don't make a video. It's a waste of your time and our time, which is why I love your channel…you only produce meaningful content. Well done sir!

  10. joaquim santos says

    Congratulation for the Photo, you deserve It ! Is the pay for your perseverence and hard work ! I wish all the best !

  11. Richard Auty says

    Amazing all the hard work has paid off great image

  12. Ian Hull says

    Well done mate. Is this the one you told me about at Rutland show?

  13. Kleber Burgos says

    From what I understood, you left the camera-trap setup under the care (and operation) of another person (Ana). So, technically, she’s at least the second author for this image, and deserves written credits, as the copyrights demands.

  14. Marcus Slade says

    Kudos Tom. Always a thrill to pull keeper images from one’s memory cards. Congrats on these.

  15. Randy Beckett says

    I've seen camera trapping used with big cats and elephants…yours is awesome. Congrats on 10K.

  16. Aiko Sukdolak says

    Amazing video as always and congrats to the awesome pictures tom! As I'm also into camera traping I would love to have a photography chat with you and I'm in for the giveaway 🙂

  17. Niels Punter says

    That’s a epic shot mate! Bloody well done!!

  18. Arthur Veitch says

    Great work. How many strobes did you use? I really appreciate the lighting, especially the mossy tree to the left. Great set choice.

  19. Andy Thomas says

    Tom, you were talking up the shot, but when it came on screen, I still went "Aaaaaargh!!!!" out loud. Fantastic shot – congratulations! So glad to see all that time, effort, persistence and patience paid off. Well done!

  20. Michu 173 says

    WOW! Awesome Image you got there!

  21. Felix Draws says

    Amazing work as always Tom! I'm a young nature photographer from the states and I would absolutely love it if I had the opportunity to have a one on one with a pro like your self!

  22. Fartein Ringset says

    Great image! The effort really paid off!

  23. Shanyu Hundekari says

    @tommason, you really need to visit India to take photos of TIGERS! Thanks for the amazing videos man.

  24. Shanyu Hundekari says

    WOW! that is an amazing photo! Well worth the wait! Congrats Tom!!!!!!!!

  25. Sebastian Ulici says

    Congrtatulations on 10k subs. That jaguar shot is amazing.

  26. Michael Goodwin says

    Awesome shot

  27. Sue Fisher says

    Notice of seeing you in my magazine

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