1. sevendayswo says

    Good tips! I also love the layout of your website. I went to some other photographers website who claimed to be professional but I didn't get that feeling at all after visiting her site. She was doing like you said not to and had like 20 shots put up from the same shoot with only minor differences in some of the photos. They weren't even that good either. I immediately thought this is not a professional photographer but an amateur after seeing that.

  2. Valery Akpojiyovwi says

    does anyone know what template she uses on square space

  3. bahati angolwishe says

    Thank you for this one, used your offer code to get 10% off my first month!!

  4. DRGIZMO29 says

    Been instagramming for a while, I thought i did a good job. Then when I was trying to create a website, in that moment, i was disgusted by my own works.

    Thank you for the tips I'll probably look it out again when my skill is worth for a website

  5. Bittersweet Design Boutique says

    Great tips! We love and use Squarespace for our site!

  6. Linda Silas Tapley says

    You bless me

  7. Peter Wassmuth says

    ThX Awesome!

  8. daniel villegas says

    I get a Wix ad when I pull up a Squarespace website video xD Stop it Wix i'll never switch

  9. Ben Howard says

    Can you sell your pictures through squarespace?

  10. Tori Fritz says

    How do you deliver photos to clients? Are you still using pixieset?

  11. Rayan Lazrak says

    This helped me alot thankyou jessica 💓💓

  12. Signe says

    What design did you use Jessica? Cheers!

  13. Kaley Lopez says

    hey! not trying to come off rude at all but i went on her website and i'm curious what she is selling on there. i know its pictures but why buy them when you can just download them

  14. First Hand TV says

    U R legend

  15. Juan Carlos Verdejo says

    It was sponsored but she really sold it, I love it, I actually need a website so Thank you, Jessica! Love your Work also!

  16. Joshua Mast says

    Sponsored by Squarespace, but the first ad I watched was Wix. I may be laughing a little too much about this. Oh Youtube. 🙂

    Btw, I've used both and I prefer SP as well.

  17. Pixture tu2 says


  18. Ruth Elizabeth says

    Would love to see a video on marketing materials/press kit. I really enjoy seeing other creatives perspectives on business cards, leave behinds, etc. gives a nice idea of their style and how they brand themselves as a whole.

  19. Lena says

    She literally already recommended Squarespace in 2016 this is legit

  20. Eric Terrill says

    Needed this! Thank you!

  21. Cris O says

    Love this your pictures are beautiful

  22. Madi says


  23. Portraits by Ravin says

    I’m a upcoming photographer in Houston and it’s soo hard to getting new clients 😩

  24. Clover Xx says

    You should do a episode when you go against the other photographers as trying to model xx

  25. Masked Creator says

    Can u do a photographers swap cameras challenge?

  26. Benjamin Heeg says

    I would love to date you, your so amazingly adorable!

  27. Mikhail Campbell says

    I need help jess

  28. Claudio Schu says

    you're my favorite photographer.

  29. Tufail Kousar says

    Your yt videos dont do justice to your talent. Pleasently surprised after checking out your IG and website.

  30. Badshah Creation says

    hello mam, if I'm use 50mm f/1.8 lens in crop frame camera body then focal length increase 1.5x time ,So the aperture value will also increase 1.5x time? Plz tell me

  31. Samira Ayoubi says

    Hi, I've been following your tips and tutorials for such a long time. I take photos as well, but not in the professional levels. Today I had an idea to translate your videos and add Persian subtitles to them. Unfortunately there are very few Persian sources about photography and I'd like to help my community in some ways. What do you think let me know.
    Thanks in advance,


  32. Carolyn Lajara says

    so I just noticed how many subscribers you have and its so crazy how much your channel has grown! I've been subscribed to you since your first video on YouTube 4 years ago and its really motivating to see the come up! Always thought you were talented, congrats on all your success!!

  33. Rockland Menendez says

    You should do a challenge where it's 3ppl 1model but it's in one place in complete dark! And u have to use you flash, and the model has to pick the picture she likes the most.

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