4 Expert Tips for Child Photography by Elena Shumilova


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Watch the extended version of Elena’s photography behind-the-scenes:

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Last year, Elena Shumilova took photos of her sons by the Russian countryside and put them online. Those photos struck magic and went viral with over 60 million views. She invited SmugMug onto her farm in Russia, where we got a behind-the-scenes look at how she captures these beautifully nostalgic photos.

Produced by SmugMug ( the safe, beautiful home for your photos, as part of the SmugMug Film series.

Cinematography: Anton Lorimer
Translated Voiceover: Kerry Ellis

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  1. Tài Lâm says

    I love your job! Wonderfull!!!

  2. Adory Petrocelli says

    This is absolutely beautiful. I love photography and have been taking pics of my child since she was born. Like you said it’s crucial for the kids to be comfortable in front of the camera. I want to thank you for inspiring me to choose photography,today thanks to you my child loves to be in front of the camera, she’s been on TV and numerous print ads, as well as walking the NYC fashion week. I have learned so much throughout the years from videos such as yours. And I thank you for that. Slowly we are building our page and hopefully we will get subscribers,most importantly we want to make videos that are fun to watch, and that are interesting for the whole family. Feel free to leave any comments or opinions. I’m very open minded to suggestions.
    Thank you and have a blessed day

  3. Rich Clark Photography says

    Tip 5: Edit the absolute hell out of the photos to cover up for a lack of actual creativity.

  4. Edgar Mihyo says

    Amazing work Elena. Love your images they are magical- I have never seen anything like it. You are very inspirational.

  5. X-Ghost- 22 says

    she is amazing but she is cheating because she uses Canon.

  6. A Sign Of Life says

    Nice tips, I just made a similar tip video. I didn't use any of the same tips though

  7. Cess says

    What camera and lens do you use?

  8. Randa Renti says

    i love your Projecth.

  9. олеся олеся says

    великолепные фотографии

  10. Shaun Hilton says

    Seen her photos before they're beautiful inspiring…

  11. Physics Animations Edu CG4u says


  12. mary w says

    photos are amazing, clip.. sucks

  13. Emily Connell says

    Her photography is so powerful. I would love to be mentored by her!

  14. agit-prop says

    When Keith Starkey says that Elena is the Thomas Kincade of photography, I'm not sure it's a compliment. 

    Elena is obviously a talented photographer and her tips are excellent. Shooting kids is a difficult process and her tips are very useful for parents.

    The one thing that isn't discussed here is that her photos are highly processed to produce a very stylized look. That's not a bad thing, but her tips here won't help you produce the 'look' she achieves. These tips will help you get more natural and relaxed poses. If you're interested in reproducing her 'look,' you'll need to immerse yourself in Lightroom and Photoshop.

  15. Прекрасные фотографии и обработка.

  16. Carol Lienhart Hill says

    Elena, when I need inspiration for my artistic slices, I watch this video…again.  Love to you and your beautiful family. <3

  17. Sangrex2 says

    I really truly feel like tip #4 is the best tip in general for photography. By having fun and making the people who you are photographing laugh you get really nice shots and set up a very genuine cool vibe. It's actually something i struggle with because I'm a shy person lol. But i feel like this tip is too true.

  18. EM MC says

    Great reel.  Really nice work 🙂

  19. Amy Munroe says

    Beautiful pictures of real life. Happy Mother's Day!

  20. Jason Bassett says


  21. gsiete says

    This is great! Thank you for sharing!

    Does anyone have the name of this song? Thanks a lot!!!

  22. JM Ledy says

    My favorite photographer!

  23. Gustavo Vargas says

    S.C.D.J. EN V.C.

    your work is Simply Amazing!
    thanks for sharing, congrats!

  24. Miguel Angel Junquera says


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