Starting a Photography Business & How I Operate My Business

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Starting a photography business is a bit overwhelming. So, in this vlog, I’m going to talk about my experience in the photo business and how it might apply to you.
I’m going to focus primarily in this video on the aspect of SHOULD you be starting a photography business. Not in the idea of SHOULD you make money from photography, but more: should you start a business. Should you incorporate a business.
From a photography business perspective, you need to decide if you want to operate as a sole proprietor, or if you want to incorporate your photo work into a company. There are advantages to each, and I discuss them in the vlog.
Moreover, I did into how I operate my own photography business. I think there’s a lot of insight there.

  1. Brendan van Son says

    Did you see the last time we chatted business? We talked about stock photography:

  2. Derek Floyd says

    Great Video! I still work a 9-5 but I also just started my photography business! How many hours daily did you start off working for your photography business?

  3. ThaRealCoyote says

    You don’t HAVE to claim income… 😉 they don’t have to know

  4. hyacinthdibley2 says

    22:5714:10 Personal Loans and Credit Cards.
    I still didn't understand this part.

  5. Jason DelaRosa says

    im not sure if i catch what you mean by having a business instead of sole proprietary…. Do you mean a corporation, S corp, LLC , LP, LLP? beside having sole proprietorship.

  6. Nevflix T.V says

    Only tax ive play it safe to not sued

  7. Kyle Snook says

    Podcast about the business aspects of photography would be amazing!!!

  8. Kenneth Matusiak says

    I just acquired a business license for my photography business. However i work for a separate studio for my main job. They want me to use my new camera and gear for there business when i go to there shoots. Can i bill them more than what they normally pay me because of using my business assets such as my new camera? and because my new gear is being used in high volume to gain profit to there business and not mine? any thoughts anyone

  9. Daniel Milam says

    Taxes should have been somewhere in the title

  10. TechSavvyDaddy says

    Brendan, great advice thank you…on the Credit and Mortgage issues min 13:15. The business can buy the Home or open the credit card. Just have an office at home.

  11. Ann Gokieli says

    A better name for the video would be – photography business accounting 🧾!

  12. Mahdi Masjedi says

    Here in kuwait, we don't pay taxes😂😂

  13. jebus0057 says

    Because of this video, I've subscribed.

  14. Pewwbz says

    Taxes are bs.

  15. Will Sawtell says

    Taxes = theft

  16. NetGawker says

    I appreciate what you're trying to do….but I F**KING HATE TAXES!!!!

  17. Jonathan Calkins says

    Fantastic explanation man. Subscribed and notification bell clicked. Can't wait to see more.

  18. Emily Gabrielse says

    Thank you so much for sharing! Im in a spot now where I'm not sure how to register my photography business and more importantly WHEN I should register. Thanks for the insight!

  19. Joshua Thurecht-Luckham says

    I'm 12 and starting my business so I don't have to pay taxes cause I'm underage yay

  20. Brdaley E says

    Not to mention if you INC you have a lot more tax write offs than a sole Proprietor, The cut off to INC is apx 50K+ anything lower does not typically make since.

  21. Christine Sandoval says

    Thanks for the information. I currently need to stay as a sole proprietor is there any video available explaining this? Since I’m not ready to transition to beginners a business at this time.

  22. Unpolitically Correct says

    Excellent business tips for starting a photography business. Thanks, Subscribed now.

  23. Dayna Renee says

    First off AWESOME video. so informational. I'm excited to watch more. Here's what I'd like to get from your channel.

    I'd like to see a video on the paperwork that's involved in making your business a corporation, how to write up an invoice and how they actually work (for expensing things to your business). How does that affect your business when you write up all those invoices?

    Also, I'd like to know about how to write up a proper business plan for your photography business.

  24. josh williamson says

    I’m not taking advice from a guy wearing a baseball hat the wrong way.

  25. Lauren K says

    Please do a podcast, I don't think there's enough information out there for photographers on business essentials. Especially podcast style.

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