5 AMAZING Photography Tips To Transform Your Pictures!


We got such good feedback on the last hacks video so we decided to make another! Here are 5 creative photoshoot tricks with easy to find/affordable items that any photographer can use!

**ITEMS USED IN VIDEO** (using my amazon referral links!)
Cello Paper

Axicon Suncatcher

Kaleidoscope Glasses

Holi Powder

Window Chalk Markers

LAMINATION PAPER (I used a laminator to make a blank sheet and used the markers on it, you can get the machine here)

follow Amelia:

The music I used is from ARTLIST:

SNAPCHAT: jessicakobeissi

  1. Jessica Kobeissi says

    Let me know which tip you liked best! I also added all links to the item in the description 🙂 My ABSOLUTE FAVORITE was the cello paper – I stayed up for a few hours trying to figure out how to do it without using flash. I had my brother model so I could test out different techniques for it, haha.

  2. WILS kevin Aranco says

    I love it

  3. Meena Nishad says


  4. Nodal Ninja Panoramic Gear says

    great tips – thanks for sharing – subscribed!

  5. K. D EDITING says

    So beautiful girls I love 😘😘

  6. Bobbi Dickerson says

    Definitely doing the cello paper…ive been trying to figure out what to use other than colored light bulbs…thanks so much for the tip. Luv ur videos

  7. Julia Siemaszko says

    WOOW😱😍 Very cool! I use this tricks♥ Thanks! 😘😘

  8. Sudip Mukherjee says

    Nice tips

  9. SY beauty on nails says

    How to do photography in darkness?

  10. Raj Bhagat says

    I want to do assist you,
    Pls. Share your contact information pls.
    Pls pls pls

  11. Débora Nunes says

    As ideias são ótimas, mas a modelo só faz uma pose, é sempre com os lábios abertos 🤦🏻‍♀️

  12. Christina Joyce says

    What is the camera that u use

  13. unusualdesigns says

    Jessica…you sound and act so Indian… :)… anyway…loved all the techniques. All of them.

  14. حبيب قلبي Love says


  15. I Love says

    That shot was stupid !

  16. Cassie Watson says

    Omg that first one are you kidding me.. no more having to look for neon signs

  17. TN says


  18. Mirrors's Juggler says

    I want to you give more pose and tips

  19. Sree says

    you are so creative!

  20. Samriddhi Chadha says


  21. 苏小妹 says


  22. Alina Mary says

    💙 can’t get myself to pick the one I love most …. just beautiful …

  23. Aziz Assili Officiel says

    i like that nice work ❤❤

  24. Mariano Nocetti says

    Funny and useful tips to use when our creative is a bit sleepy!!. Thanks!

  25. Kiruthika L says

    Hi what s the equipment used for light source in that pink cello paper need link to buy

  26. Ingen Studio says

    Awesome video. Can I share it?

  27. Will Santos _CP says

    Modelo lindaaa

  28. Michael Tiru says

    It,'s awesome

  29. Ai De says

    model kinda looks like wolfie cindy x

  30. SE TA LIGADO says

    Amazing 👏👏👏👏👏

  31. Erika Palomares Enciso says

    Thanks 😍

  32. Charles Hembrym says

    this would not work with unprofessional photographer like me …

  33. muskan photo says


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