Ruo Bing Li – Beauty & Fashion Photographer

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Ruo Bing Li (MPS 2013 Digital Photography) is a beauty and fashion photographer based in New York. His work is known for a delicate painterly sensibility and regularly graces the covers of top fashion magazines around the world, such as Elle, Harper’s Bazaar, L’Officiel and Marie Claire.

Li’s talk is part of the i3: Images, Ideas, Inspiration lecture series, which features presentations by digital photographers, hardware and software developers and industry experts. Presented by MPS Digital Photography.

  1. Alfredo Vallejo says

    Thank you so much for this priceless video! Regards from México.

  2. jinglong dai says

    头一个看完的视频 想去给你当助理 认真的

  3. CanadianKelsey says

    Love this! Keep it Up!

  4. yongxin yuan says


  5. Gabor Szantai says

    It's like listening myself: I gave up architecture for photography – My family and friends weren't the happiest bunnies… Some of them still have doubts 🙂

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