GLAMOUR Photography – OnSet ep. 14

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Join us ONSET as we show you some techniques to give a “Hollywood Glamour” feel to your modern portraits. Using small light sources, Daniel Norton sculpts his subject and creates mood with heavy shadows and creamy highlights.

Related Products at Adorama:

Arri 300/150 Lighting Kit

C+ Stand

Rosco Spun diffusion

Matthews ¼ stop silk

Zeiss 85mm 1.4 Lens

Nikon D4s

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For more information email: [email protected]

  1. AndyW says

    Daniel – all good stuff 🙂
    I am working my through your back catalogue now – unfortunately I only discovered you and Seth recently on the Z7 reviews.

  2. Chris Foong says

    Always enjoyed watching Daniel explaining the various photography techniques. Good job.

  3. Giannis Veronis says

    Hi Daniel, I believe the same style can be replicated even with a speedlight and a diffusion umbrella, as main light right?

  4. antonio loera says

    Great video was a continuous light set up.with out flash ?

  5. Micro Doulo says

    how far or how many feet the person is from camera?

  6. Valarie Cisse says

    Thank you for showing the how-to. I was looking for the diagram to give me an idea on how to improve it. My instructor recommended Adorama.

  7. jganun says

    For generations, there were only tungsten lights. Even when studio flash first appeared, it was generally out of the enthusiast's price range. Nowadays, every discussion of portraiture begins with a statement that tungsten lighting is obsolete except for video, so it's encouraging to see someone using "hot lighting" for a portrait.

  8. Reginald Graddy says

    Nice. Good stuff. I must strive to attain this level of badassery.

  9. Asaf Rachmel says

    Nicely explained clear and informative.
    thank you

  10. RedEyrisFilms says


  11. Steven Sober says

    Your videos are so well done, Daniel. You are clear and concise and obviously very gifted with what you do. Please keep up the good work. Thank you!

  12. Tamayo.F.J.1976 says

    cool video, always in awe with Daniel 🙂

  13. TheLego&Sewing Granddad says

    A nice little video on my favourite style of Portraiture. Hollywood glamour 20' to 40's style. Add a cocktail, pearl necklaces or cigarette holder with smoking cigarettes as props and your onto a winner in my book….. Thank you.

  14. Lauren Ashley says

    adorama is AWESOME..I recommend them and B&H always! 

  15. Steinar Knai says

    Really nice and clear tuto.

  16. Juliawan Wijaya says

    nice review about camera 🙂

  17. mpir78 says

    Too bad the end result is not in B/W. 😉

  18. Martin McGlone says

    nice clear and to the point

  19. hawg427 says

    Didn't mean to pick it apart 🙁  When I shot as a Pro I was a member of the PPA & the Florida FPPA and had many prints entered in shows for merit, which I saw how they picked a print apart. LOL  I ended up with 6 Merits total and had a few prints go in the National Tour. We didn't have computers in those days. LOL  Don't take it personal, just my opinion. LOL Great video though 🙂

  20. Davi Rosa says

    For 30´s portrait look it´s ok to have shadows. The portraits in that decade were made this way. Daniel Norton explained before starting.
    I feel kind of ashamed when I read comments about shadows and so on. Why people today just want "shadowless" portraits? Personally i find very nice to learn different styles o lightning setup and their result on the photo look/style.
    So thanks a lot Daniel.
    I should say also that I bought a lot of equipment in Adorama just because of the Adorama TV! 🙂
    Hugs from Brazil!

  21. pauil sandy says

    I am sorry if i am wrong, But shadow of the nose in final image is good or bad?

  22. Valdemar Caballero says

    Thank you!!!!!

  23. Multimedia Mel says

    Informative, will try this technique on my next shoot. Thanks.

  24. hawg427 says

    Everything but the horrible hard shadow on her Right eye lashes or her hair, I can't tell. Should have been corrected using the lights before post production.  Sorry but I'm an old timer and you had to do it right when shooting because retouching the pic or the negative was an added expense. I would have had my camera about 1-2 in. higher also. Beautiful model. 🙂

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