My Life As an Adventure Photographer | Nat Geo Live


National Geographic Explorer Becca Skinner takes the stage to talk Instagram, photography, and adventure.
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The National Geographic Live series brings thought-provoking presentations by today’s leading explorers, scientists, photographers, and performing artists right to you. Each presentation is filmed in front of a live audience at National Geographic headquarters in Washington, D.C.

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National Geographic is the world’s premium destination for science, exploration, and adventure. Through their world-class scientists, photographers, journalists, and filmmakers, Nat Geo gets you closer to the stories that matter and past the edge of what’s possible.

An avid explorer, Becca Skinner applied for and received a grant from her university to travel to New Orleans and photograph the community’s recovery from Hurricane Katrina. This trip proved to be a pivotal point in her life, inspiring her to pursue photography as a career. Skinner takes the stage to talk about Instagram, photography, and her many adventures.

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Learn more about Becca Skinner’s work

The National Geographic Live series brings thought-provoking presentations by today’s leading explorers, scientists, photographers, and performing artists right to you. Each presentation is filmed in front of a live audience at National Geographic headquarters in Washington, D.C.

My Life As an Adventure Photographer | Nat Geo Live

National Geographic

  1. Mountain Treks Nepal says

    Welcome to you all for an adventure in Nepal!

  2. Serenity Fuentes says

    lucky lucky LUCKY!!!!!

  3. elisabeth says

    That’s my dream job.

  4. One Night Photography says

    i love photography

  5. Joker Jonny says

    Im already a photographer so I think I'm on the right track

  6. MrHotdogso7 says

    awesome stuff but whats happening at 1:34 was very distracting lol

  7. rex Cambisaca says

    This is a dream job I just don’t know where to start, any advice from any one ??

  8. jayram dahal says

    wow good job..

  9. The Green Circle says

    People are hating way too much. Public speaking is hard and yeah she could use some practice but I commend her nevertheless for being brave enough to do this.

  10. Berry Bee says


  11. Gulfan Malik says

    My dream job I love this

  12. rejith n says

    how travelling is an profession

  13. rejith n says

    I like travelling

  14. rejith n says


  15. Mouktik Saha says


  16. B B says

    Drink some water!!

  17. Javier Hernandez says

    😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂

  18. R. Schreckengost says

    Love her photos. She’s a great photographer. Terrible terrible speaker.

  19. Matthew Smith says

    Awesome but please don’t swallow so much xD

  20. eliseofragoso says

    Very annoying to here her swallow and smack lips. Had to stop watching . Good luck!!

  21. Musice World says


  22. CanadianErin says

    She's a delightful young lady & what she is talking about is interesting, but the VERY LOUD "swallow / lip smack" sounds really take away from the presentation, it's incredibly distracting & kinda icky-sounding. I thought it was just me but someone else mentioned it below.

    It's not entirely her fault, either, I mean everyone has to swallow, but whoever prepped her for the stage, most notably the placement of her microphone should be FIRED. Did nobody do a sound check or rehearsal with her to make sure everything sounded okay?? I'm really sorry to have to say it, but I am really enjoying these Nat Geo Lives so far, but the others all have those clip to the ear mikes, so you don't hear anything but the sound coming directly out of the mouth. It's really difficult to listen to. 🙁

  23. M Bertges says

    Hi, NatGeo. How can I become a National Geographic Young Explorer?

  24. ZommBleed says

    I'm sure she keeps her camera set on Automatic or Program Mode.

  25. Sophia Lenore says

    Really good videos. Just subscribed!

  26. Chris Hunt says

    This is awesome!

  27. ya mate mikey says

    This clip is a misophonia suffer's nightmare. WARNING.

  28. Jordyn Woods says

    My big dream job. ♥️

  29. Mike Mcmillan says

    The mic is not in a good place, other then that Its a good presentation.

  30. Ben Hankoc says

    How do you become a Adventure Photografe for National Geographic? It's a big dream of mine .

  31. Pavitra Kumar Kunder says

    Hello to all the good people here!
    I am looking for an alternative living lifestyle, your advice on how to go about it would be highly appreciated!
    am a 34 year old Indian born guy. I am a college drop out, and I have
    no degree. I am an unmarried hobo. The only thing I own is my backpack
    some clothes a laptop and a smartphone. Eddie is my nomad name, my birth
    name is something else.
    I am sick of parties and don't like going
    out to meet people here, you are always judged based on your clothes,
    your car and the house you own. The only way you can get respect here is
    by pretending to be rich. I find it very disgusting as I don't like to
    pretend to be rich or behave like some other person, it feels so fake
    and uncomfortable.
    I am single and unlucky not to find love for the
    above mentioned reason. Girls wont look at you if you don't own a fancy
    car here.
    My dream is to become a landscape photographer go to
    Iceland and capture the Northern lights. I am not sure whether my dream
    is realistic or whether it is achievable or do I even have the talent to
    achieve it. But, the prospects of going to Iceland and capturing the
    landscape their surely excites me.
    I have some photography and
    videography skills, I can also speak decent English. I don't mind
    picking up a new skill if that is going to help me, I have good grasping
    power and can pick up things quickly. I am seeking some kind of
    alternative living option.

    I have some savings, can you advice me how to fulfill my dream and find the love of my life?

  32. Tranz Punk says

    She is gorgeous. So as the locations.

  33. Will Parsons says

    WoW! You're incredible and deserve nothing but the best – a True inspiration to everyone – especially myself! Absolutely loved your story!

  34. Marina Kyriacou says

    Dream job ^.^

  35. Muhd Iqbal says

    i love nat geo talk!!!

  36. Thomas R says

    I loved your stories and photos. they provided really good I sight what it's like to be a Nat Geo photographer. I've always been I treated in becoming one once I got I to photography. also,. I actually didn't notice anything with gulping or swallowing until I read the comments 🙂

  37. Michael Kibler says

    Lip smacking…. TTSSS! makes it hard to watch. Stopped before 5 minutes

  38. Tony Montana says

    boring all this blah blah blah , this type of media products are starting to be boring , first why not check the meaning of adventure ????………. ,

  39. Praveencam says

    Great speech and may I know your Instagram profile name

  40. Joshua Voyles says


  41. Cheryl Sibson says

    Dreams can happen!

  42. TheDonkDonk says

    This a cute video, people who work in these areas all the time and handle this for months if not years just deal with these situations. I have done it for years as a northern engineer and now a commercial pilot. Its not hard if you don't complain about you're experience and try to love life up north. This is cute though

  43. Allyson Ortiz says

    My dream job! I love anything having to do with Photography!

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