Android Studio Tutorial – Take picture with Camera
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In this tutorial, you learn how to easily implement the application use your phone camera and take picture
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thanks a lot for your help
revoked permission android.permission.CAMERA
hey! can i add this in your "photo editing" app ?
Pls sir can u watch us how to create WhatsApp status that will show imagr n short video later it will disappear
how to take various shots and set in various imageView?
This video has been a lifesaver. Thanks
how to save new photo from camera and get uri this image?
Hy thak you for this helpful code, why did the camera works on Emulator but not on Phone?
hello. Loved the video but the image you get from data.getExtras().get("data") is very low resolution. How do i get a full resolution image back from the camera activity? Many thanks.
sir when i take image and pressed save button it got carsh ..can u plz help me
With this tutorial, only one image can be saved in external storage right? Called cam_image.jpg? Any answers please!
The website is just clickbait.
why my app is getting crash just by pressing the tick button after taking the photo
Hello, thank you. After i save the picture it isnt in the imageview. I dont know if there is a connection buy the imageview is not on full screen. thanks
it gives a blurred image….any help on that?
Very nice video Sr. One favor can you make a video where you can save the image into your app (internal storage)??
sir, can i use it for gallery code by changing intent action ACTION_PICK
please answer…..
Thanks for vedio
how can i improve my picture resolution
You need an app for your mic
It works fine when I click the picture. But if I open the camera and close it without clicking the pic it crashes. Can you pls help me out?
Very Nice Tutorial, but how can i improve the image ?!
Sir, How to open Front Camera Programmatically XD
does it work in opencv?
Hi, I know this video is old, but I need ask: how to set camera orientation fixed in portrait?
Dear sir. Can I take a picture by the camera, and it just shows this picture on my app without saving to the gallery?
Please help me How to use the camera to work Android application takes dimensions such as length and width ?
Hello man I like your video.
Is it possible to Take many pictures with 1 button and display this pictures in the same window ?
for some reason when I take the picture it shows the image rotated up in ImageView
I got a problem with this
my logcat show
java.lang.RuntimeException: Failure delivering result ResultInfo{who=null, request=22, result=-1, data=Intent { act=inline-data (has extras) }} to activity {com.example.russ.newbirdproject/com.example.russ.newbirdproject.Activity.MainActivity}: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'void android.widget.ImageView.setImageBitmap(' on a null object reference
What shold I do ? Thank you!!
si me funciono tu video al 100%
What should I change if this activity convert into fragments?