How To Reframe ANY 360 Photo Or Video (Insta360 Studio 2019 Tutorial)


Insta360 Studio 3.2.1 has just dropped and it allows you to reframe stylish 5.7k 360 videos in minutes! To learn more cool reframing techniques, be sure to check out my video course:

► Get my favourite 360 things emailed to you once a month:

► Download Insta360 Studio 3.2.1 (3rd option from the top):
► Insta360 One X (camera i shot this footage with):

What if i told you there was a FREE computer software that allowed you to reframe and animate 5.7K 360 video in minutes? It’s called Insta360 Studio and it’s now received a MAJOR update- in this video you’ll learn how YOU can edit your very own high quality 360 videos in no time!

My 2019 KIT for 360 Photography & Video:
Main 360 camera:
Micro tripod:
360 Camera Monopod:
SD card:
Cheap selfie stick:
Camera bag:
Waterproof 360 camera:
My phone:
My iMac:
(with this RAM):
Best good quality VR headset:

If you enjoyed this video, be sure to leave a like and subscribe to the channel! The Ben Claremont channel is your go-to authority on all things 360 photography, video, and beyond! From in-depth tutorials and tips, to the best equipment, editing software, apps, and even social media strategies for gaining massive attention to your work. On this channel you’ll find everything you need to truly live and breathe 360!


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  1. Eddy 360 says

    Hi Ben,

    Great tutorial!! Only….you say I can edit from ANY 360 camera,
    but installed insta360 studio today imported my Theta V content,
    and it doesn't recognize my footage as 360° content….
    Did they blocked other brand camera's since the update?

  2. Jesi Gomez says

    Can you make a video of "how to edit any 360 video with insta360 one x app"? It will be great

  3. Ubiratã Muniz da Silva says

    Hi Ben.

    I´ve been using Insta360 Studio for a while based on your recommendations. It works just fine in MP4 (pre-stitched) footage from my Gear 360 and Keymission 360. However, unfortunately I can´t do the trick with footage from my new Garmin Virb 360 🙁 It doesn´t recognize the Mp4 files (pre-stitched on camera) as 360 video. I´m stuck with Virb Edit for now.

  4. Frigate Chaser Fishing says


  5. Obaid Shafi says

    I want to win the giveaway plss ! #VuzeXR #Vuze #XR

  6. Touhid Rahman says

    Awesome !

  7. VMAX Rider says

    Great! Thanks man! A big LIKE and a Hug from Portugal!

  8. meball maname says

    I use insta 360 studio for my Qandao QooCam camera 🤫

  9. Scott Waldron says

    Great video on showing what's possible with this camera in regard to software. I've been curious about using 360 cameras for traditionally framed video. Most of the videos I've seen only use an app, so knowing there is an actual computer application is really appealing!

  10. Motu Pictures says

    Thanks for the tip Ben!

  11. Andrew Tickner says

    Good to know … Personally, I find the software a little cumbersome and will probably stick with Premier, but could come in handy when on the road.

  12. Miles Davis says


  13. Javier Liria says

    Nice tutorial. I'll break my usual point of view with it. And I still thinking about one nano camera. 😁👍

  14. Fachminanas Channel says

    Can we used other 360 camera on insta 360 studio?

  15. Scoot Roter says

    Awesome, Thanks! 😎

  16. Bicography Niigaki says


  17. baze atanasovski says

    Great video and very helpful.
    Just go on.

  18. Ricardo Pires says

    thanks for the tip! 😀

  19. 0santo0 says

    I have a playlist of videos of Ben C. on the pc…..thanks for the continuous updates.

  20. Paweł A says

    I've started using this software. It's very good

  21. chi says

    Can’t wait to try this😍

  22. Esh _flikz says

    Inspires always bro..

  23. Legendary Online Media says

    This is my best channel

  24. Samuel Edyson says

    Great tips! Love this ben!

  25. Felix Wong says

    This has got to be one of the best tips I have learnt so far!! Definitely will be following Ben for more tips and tricks!!

  26. Rob Stewart says

    Great info, as usual. Thanks

  27. Zack Seipert says

    Truly love this video! You always seem to have a "ground breaking" or "smashing" new idea! (pun intended)

  28. Sydney Wood says

    Thank you😃

  29. Eray Canipek says

    Keep going Ben !

  30. Ryan Hill says

    What stuff can you do at night

  31. David Ferrer Llanes says

    Hey! How about the insta360 app?

  32. Matthias Russ says

    Huge like for the transitions, it's a pain to get it that smooth in Preimiere Pro. Now to last piece to make it the exclusive software for a 360 edit is adding control of playback speed to leverage of the 60/100fps the One X is offering

  33. norman hayes says

    This program looks like it's working pretty good on windows laptop .a little slow to react because I have $200 laptop surprised that works at all with my laptop very happy

  34. Alex Reay says

    Hi Ben, I've taken a few 360 photos with my Theta V and sent them to friends… how on earth do they view them on their phones?? I want them to be able to view them in the way I can view them view the Theta app or by viewing on Facebook

  35. says

    Can a 360 image be converted to video using Davinci Resolve?

  36. Abdelrahman Magdy says

    so, I'm using lg 360 cam which exports mp4 video files , and you mentioned that I've to stitch the video before I Import It to Insta360 . so do you have any Idea about how can stitch It , or which program should I use ?

  37. Photelegy says

    Is it possible to calibrate the horizon or to make a rotation in any direction?

  38. YuppieTrash Mike says

    Great video, thanks!

  39. Pierre Léger says

    Sometimes for me it looks like, that the Full HD 50fps look better than the 5.7K with 30fps. What do you think?

  40. Roll Media 2 says

    Thank you, I'm new to your channel, this video is so usefull

  41. Joel Beard says

    At around 7 minutes in you discuss the work around for editing a 360 photo. Would DaVinci resolve be able to allow you to do that?

  42. Timothy McSweeney says

    How do I view my insta360 pictures on the pc? When I open the exported jpg it is not moveable

  43. Plínio Luís Pereira Lopes says

    Hi, Ben. Thank you for this amazing tutorial. I have a question: is it possible for me to "reframe" a 360 video without losing the ability to look around? For example: I'm shooting inside my house. My next clip will be outside, but I want people to start looking at some specific tree. Is it possible?

  44. relaxvideo3d says

    5.7k edit, great!. can it also export in 5.7k?

  45. dirtymouse says

    Hey Ben, Insta360 only seems to support .mp4 containers (that max out with 4k h264 encoding). Unless you know how to create a 5.2k (or 5.6k) h264 encoded file from GoPro Fusion Studio directly (also not supported)?

    I've tried to re-encode 5.2k ProRes via Quicktime but I get file corruptions trying to preserve 5120 x 2560 with decent enough data rate to benefit the supported 5.7k limit. Any tips. Your 'any 360 camera' shoutout is a bit misleading, but I could be missing something.

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