The BEST Way to Sharpen Portraits in Photoshop


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After spending long hours on a photo edit, sharpening is the best way to enhance all of the details you worked so hard to preserve It’s also a great tool to help guide the viewer’s eye to the subject of the image. In this tutorial, we show you the best sharpening method out there to target and highlight the details that matter.

Sharpen with Precision

Before you start sharpening, there’s two important tips to keep in mind. First, sharpening should be the very last step in your post-processing workflow. Make sure to take care of all of the retouching and coloring first – that way you only end up sharpening details that you intended to be in the final image.

Second, sharpening should be done according to whatever you want the size of the final image to be. For example, you would sharpen a full-sized print differently than you would an 800-pixel wide version for the web. So if you’re exporting several different sizes, be sure to sharpen them all separately after you’ve cropped and resized. It takes more time but will make a significant difference in the quality and impact of the sharpening.



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  1. Anna Shanset says


  2. A P says

    FYI: You lost most of your sharpness when you shrunk the image because your resizing algorithm was set to bicubic smoothing, not bicubic sharpening.

  3. forsephora44 says

    Thank you so much!

  4. Don Richardson says

    Thanks for the ahh ha moment. For the longest time I've been doing smart sharpen the hard way. 👍

  5. Shabnum Amin Khan says

    Perfect trainer!

  6. alannguyen2010 says

    to much work

  7. Bruce Lockland says

    Thanks so much Aaron… I’ve always used the high pass filter to sharpen, but I simply sharpened the whole image. Can’t wait to use your technique 🙏🏻

  8. Ladislav Mertlik says

    You mentioned to use sharpening technique at the end of process – color grade or burn-dodge is not good to do afterwards? please comment
    do you have full portrait workflow? would be great

  9. Karlook says

    Dammt im crying that joke was so fun

  10. A-q Khan says

    intro name or project please ?

  11. Rique Andrade says

    Thank you so much for the class.

  12. Jorge Damico says

    Hi Aaron, great tutorial. I loved it. I am curious about the gear used to take this photo, was it taken with a full frame or crop sensor and with what lens? Thank you.

  13. Chin Chukwu says

    hey, aaron. i have a question. in the beginning of the tutorial you went to image–>apply image to create a copy of the portrait. what is the main different between doing this and click/option/dragging the layer in the the layers palette (to create the copy)?

  14. Linda Kuhns says

    Just curious, could I also use "soft light" instead of overlay? I could use more sharpening, but it doesn't look natural. Thank you for the video?

  15. Fun Pathik CG says

    Awasomeeeeee bigging

  16. Wanna Be Mama says

    Just have to say thank you so much for this video. I literally watched it at least 9 times when making my thumbnails. I am obviously NOT AT ALL talented like you, but you helped so much!!!!!

  17. Nana Kobea says

    This is amazing, detail explanation, step by step which is perfect for beginners. Good job, keep it up

  18. mohamed saeid says

    Good Looking Do not Back to old one 😀 , by the way thanks for Video

  19. Cesar Augusto Tejada says

    About resizing and sharpen, can I do this process directly in Lightroom or do I have to necessarily bring every single image to photoshop?

  20. Stefan Maass says

    Hi Aaron,
    got a question regarding high pass filter + frequency separation. Do I sharpen the image prior or after using frequency separation because one another will be correlative.

  21. Chad Turner says

    Why does he create a layer mask on the layer at 4:07 instead of using the layer mask, which is already there for the smart filter? I'm aware this is probably an amateur question, but please could someone answer. Thank you.

  22. Samira Orelus says

    What app is he using? Is it adobe photoshop?

  23. Brock Bagley says

    I am excited to try this! Also that vest is epic lol

  24. Pema Tamang says

    Flawless tutorials and can you teach me how to resize the images for Instagram or Facebook for high quality images without losing images quality??

  25. Robin Hood says

    Very good approach. In addition to High Pass, I use the Sharpen tool to enhance fine details on a duplicated layer set to Overlay and turn down layer Opacity as required, if I over sharpen.

  26. Anees Haris says

    Great , very helpful + you are magician 😉

  27. Jamal D. Ferrell says

    I want to say I been watching your video for a year now, you really helped me approve a lot Thank You.

  28. shuaib rahul says

    what is the name of that movie?

  29. SouthHero205 says

    Thank you, Aaron. Another brilliant tutorial, provided free to the unPhlearned masses. You are a generous man indeed.

  30. Aarons Ideals Photography says

    Would i resize before sharpening? Or sharpen twice?

  31. consumer1982 says
  32. Scooby Miranda says

    i wish there is a portrait tutorial for making outlines for tattoos =) stencils

  33. Roksana Gantova says

    great i want to sent u one pic with me for retus on pic with pixel more large if u can . for tutorial

  34. Glan GR says

    i did this step by photoshop it seems like the tutorial but when i save the file (jpeg) the picture is not the same. its looks even more crispy..any help?

  35. LiveChristMedia says

    when did second high didn't it affected the clothing and hair and made even sharpier

  36. Gardier says

    Thanks a lot

  37. precious staze says

    i cannot wait to subscribe to the pro version. you are the kindest person ever for releasing such value to the world for such a small fee and even free. god bless you. i am certain i have found my home for learning to use this apps

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