Tips To Building Your Home Photography Studio – A Phlearn Video Tutorial

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You Don’t Need a Studio to Look Like You Have a Studio.

What most photographers won’t tell you is that “studio” shots are usually done in their living room. No shame in this, in fact I am going to help you get an awesome home studio.

Today’s Episode Timeline

1:00 -Why we got our new studio
1:41 – Background Seamless Paper
1:60 – Manfrotto Backdrop Holder
3:05 – Reliable Light Stands Also Work For Backdrop Stands
4:30 – Small Stands for Indoor Backdrops
5:30 – Suggestions for people without studio lighting
6:10 – Using a Boom – Like this Avenger a475B
7:30 – The importance of sandbags
8:40 – Using a fan to add movement to your image
10:00 – Canvas Vs. Paper
Backdrop/Light Stands

You don’t have to get special stands for your backdrops, you can totally use the same stands you have for your lights.

Seamless Paper

If you are debating between canvas and paper, you are not alone. I have thought may times throughout my career that I should be using canvas, Mostly because it is more expensive, so I assume it is better.

I don’t think it is better. If you have a studio backdrop that will stay up 24/7 in a dedicated studio, canvas may be the option for you. If you plan on being a bit more mobile, paper is usually a good option, especially if you don’t need the full size rolls.

What Are Your Tricks?

We all love saving money. I am no exception. Do you have any tricks to save some money in your studio by using things you can find around the house?

How do you set up your home studio?? .


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  1. Neil Campbell says

    Years ago when my nieces were young I would take portraits of them. Except for a paper backdrop my entire setup was from repurposed items around the house, since I didn’t have money to spend on equipment. They might not be considered professional by some they were acceptable. DIY forever.

  2. Essy Chilcutte says

    I use some Joggin weights that are Velcro on…

  3. donald herchuk says

    your the best. as an ex ad photographer just getting into the digital after shooting 4×5 chromes my whole life your way of teaching is very refreshing. thanks for all you do . don

  4. veronica siu says

    Love your video!

  5. Ajax Rodriguez says

    Haha. You had me in tears. You must be high making this video as high as I was watching it! Lol

  6. Nicola Hohler says

    He just touched me

  7. Globalist Juice says

    A few apple boxes and some bedding top-sheets or cheap-o fabric, will come in handy to make multi-level areas to sit/stand/put a leg-up on, and for multi-person shoots.
    You can easily make them if you have some extra plywood around, but you'll have to sand them well or throw a coat of paint/varnish on them or else they'll snag.
    Also good to have is a tether to a computer screen w/lightroom software, or your camera software will allow you to view each shot on a screen instead of the teeny-tiny LED on the camera.
    HAPPY SHOOTING EVERYONE! And Aaron is right – why are Photographer's so stingy with information/knowledge – I say SHARE the wealth, let's all Phlearn together!

  8. Mark Harris says

    I don't believe that we are mislead and that studio photography often isn't done in a studio, I have it on very good authority that a camera never lies.

  9. David Rios says

    I came here for information and i got it, but stayed and subscribed for this, 9:10 hahahahah

  10. Regina KN says

    Love your channel and your funny way of explaining things. Keep up the great work 👍🏻

  11. romansten9 says

    you have used great equipment for making your video, and shown great equipment for people to use in their own home. the PROBLEM is that your content and "tips" are very poor. You showed the paper, but didn't explain what its for or how to set it up. you went a litte further with the light stand, but didnt really explain that either. If you would have set them up, together, in a studio, that would have been GREAT. Even if you had showed a still shot of these items together, that would have been something. So all this great gear and it really didnt accomplish the simple goal of setting up a studio!

  12. Fahad Al Othman says

    Excellence video still in 2016, thank you..! Just one more inquire if I may, any recommendation on the Multiple Polevault Stands?

  13. Jp Richardson says

    love this! thank you 🙂

  14. Hamid Reza Peyvandi says


  15. Brian Pex says

    You crack me up. I don't know why. Silly funny act – but great material at same time. Lol

  16. José Campos says

    Hi Aaron! what light stand with boom do you recommend for heavy strobes and big softbox 90x120cm for location photography?

  17. Ralph Somma says

    Where are the product links you promised? What is the model of that heavy duty Avenger stand? You spoke too quickly when mentioning it.

  18. Fashion Mogul says

    He is great guy, love ur work man

  19. James F. Byrnes says

    I just discovered this, and I really enjoyed it. I am looking forward to watching more! Thanks for the great tips!

  20. William McClintic says

    I have used water bottles for weights, a few 16 oz water bottles in plastic bags work. ESPECIALLY when you are ourdoors, and the wind picks up! If you don't use them for weight……something to drink… win!

  21. Dennis Porter says

    Gotta have an adjustable stool.

  22. iPunchWood says

    Lol I can imagine a lightstand falling in a model's head hahaha

  23. Michael Johnson says

    I went to your website and I couldn't get into your contacts tab, I wanted to ask a few questions like do you rent out your studio space, or whens your next workshop here in Chicago? please have someone contact me [email protected] thank you

  24. batsi Kapfumo says

    Thank you.. This video is by far very helpfull.. I'm from Zimbabwe and we have a few studio set-ups that are very expensive, and thanks to you im cutting that out from my budget and start my own studio.. Thanks again..

  25. Johno F says

    Great video, thank you.

  26. Robert Pavkovich says

    Thank You Aron!!!

  27. LPastell Channel says

    I use green screen, I'm looking for a video editor software if anyone knows of anything please let me know!

  28. Shoot Sharp Studios says

    What fan is that?

  29. Bogdan Bordeianu says

    a reflector… and if you have 2 reflectors you could use one in stead of the fan 🙂
    it creates a different effect

  30. Nick says

    ur the cutest sweetest guy ever, great content and in a cute geeky way, love ur videos , keep up the good work

  31. Zef Markaj says

    Hi Aaron, i have the same question as victoria shoulders. Would you recommend a ceiling rail system for the strobes (especially for small studios)?

  32. TW Brit says

    we have a couple of full size leather hides too which can be amazing – bought them cheap on ebay..

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