High School Students Appear To Give Nazi Salute In Photo | NBC Nightly News

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An investigation is underway after a shocking image created a firestorm on social media, appearing to show dozens of students from Baraboo High School in Wisconsin smiling and giving a Nazi salute.
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High School Students Appear To Give Nazi Salute In Photo | NBC Nightly News

  1. National Patriot says

    It is a ROMAN salute not a NAZI salute

  2. John O says

    A poorly chosen joke. But a joke nonetheless.
    I would expect leftist fascists to love this gesture. I mean… it is your symbol.

  3. Axios .king says

    There is nothing wrong with this….. Jesus people change your tampon.

  4. Axios .king says

    OMG!!! what school is that!!!!! I need to send my kids there.

  5. Mythical Videos says

    Why did they blur the people faces at 0:17 when u can clearly see at the start

  6. Mohammed Alqhtine says

    look at the first row.

    ha got em 👌

  7. Purple Poster says

    Did he just say ausswich it's pronounced owshvitch

  8. bad ass says

    It's just a salute what's wrong with that….

  9. MF SANCHEZ says

    Oy vey, I myself was gassed over 6 trillion times and I find this absolutely disgusting.

  10. Videos For You says

    White nationalism lul

  11. Totally not the flash :3 says

    Hitler killed the wrong people, should've killed the ancestors of the sjw's…

  12. Tj5923 says

    Baraboo has always been backward as much of Wisconsin is.

  13. Benjamin Franklin says

    Got em

  14. Krajišnik says

    I wish I had prom photo like this

  15. Sakinah Hur says

    This is not a Nazi salute…
    The students were asked to wave hello for pre-prom photo shoot…

    A viral video of a wrong theory which has traumatized these students…

  16. Clara Smith says

    White men are mentally challenged. How could you think the nazi salute is an appropriate thing to do? Calling decent minded people "SJW"s doesn't help you racist people's case lol.

  17. Clara Smith says

    This is why people don't like white men.

  18. Kit Cat says

    SS battalion salutes Hitler during the invasion of france

  19. John Wick says

    It's called Roman salute u bunch of uneducated dogs

  20. Christian Casteel says

    Nazi salutes are a joke chill out its alright.

  21. cannon26ify says

    Umm the ok hand symbol is a massive trolling meme, the whole point is to get people to falsely associate it with the alt right geniuses.

  22. tim long says

    Just proud to be white ! Nothing wrong with that

  23. James Osborne says

    What a monumental waste of time, time which could be better spent on more important things than these kids. Don't like it? So what every moron regardless of race, creed, ethnicity that lives in the United States (and evidently even the ones that live outside the porous borders) has the right to open his or her pie hole and spout whatever they want.
    No where in the Bill of Rights does it say anyone has to listen. Nor does it say anything about feelings.

  24. Crusader Kek says

    Edgy kids

  25. Person says

    The black kid's saluting too. XD

  26. MrSeezero says

    Do you really think that God is going to high-five you for doing that?

  27. Paul K says

    These kids were instructed to wave, it looks like most of them did, it looks of like some of them did a salute "most likely as a joke". Looks like the kid who was interviewed didn't care to do anything. But there are two major problems with this 1. how can you condemn people based on assumptions. 2. How is this senior prank national news. If it was really offensive did it really have to go past the principals office. People are more racist now then 20 years ago because you can be labeled a nazi for the smallest offence. So if society doesn't want you who do you turn to?

  28. Imperial123 says

    Legal action? What would they charge them with?

  29. mavric711 says

    Political correctness has got to stop! This is America and we have the right to pose how ever we want to in a picture.

  30. david nichols says

    Much better than being a freak, pervert, or degenerate.

  31. Ten Fold says

    Not saying anything while this is happening and then crying to the media about it. So brave.

  32. Les Blues says

    Why do Reich Wingers love Nazis so much. Oh wait never mind

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