The Instant Mini Photo Printing Camera


Learn more about The Instant Mini Photo Printing Camera:

Hammacher Schlemmer:

This is the point-and-shoot camera that instantly prints wallet-sized photographs. The camera uses high-speed, self-developing film to produce vivid, color 3 1/2″ x 2″ photographs that print out of the top of the camera seconds after the picture is taken. The camera has a 1/60 second shutter speed and its auto-retracting lens, automatic exposure control, and built-in flash with a range up to 83/4′ ensure crisp, clear photographs in all light conditions. Smaller than a smartphone, the camera stores unobtrusively in a pocket or purse.

  1. Brenden Stahl says

    you should skake the film

  2. Ashwin says

    Soo cool I wish I could get it

  3. sweeny malones says


  4. osman parvez says


  5. Jimmy Fuentes says

    I want one !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. Winter Azami says

    This looks great

  7. Vilte Vlogs says

    hey how much does it cost??

  8. Meeryy Mery1 says

    what. ARE. thai call

  9. Gianne Venice Heart Loon says

    so cool and awesome

  10. Prince Priyabrat says

    awesome thing

  11. Jason the Human says


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