MIRANDA LAMBERT Reveals She Recently Got Married — Surprise Wedding [PICS]

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MIRANDA LAMBERT Reveals She Recently Got Married — Surprise Wedding [PICS]

Miranda Lambert announced she’s got a brand new husband.

Miranda Lambert just revealed that she and her boyfriend Brendan Mcloughlin got married, which came as a shock to pretty much everyone!

Taking to Instagram, she shared the news with her fans!

Photos Courtesy of: @mirandalambert, People Magazine

Music Courtesy of: Square Peach Music (“Mathematically”).

Congratulations Miranda Lambert!

  1. B.J. Morgan says

    Congratulations Miranda and new hubby….hope yall will be good to each other and live a long…happy life together.

  2. Troy Brewer says

    Well at least the guy doesn't need sleeping pills…she is a bore

  3. Sue Burgess says

    And he's a Cop!

  4. Joann Saldana says

    Lol she didnt even know this dude that long didnt you just break up a couple of months ago from that other dude damn ho lol no wonder blake left you .

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