How to Film A Wedding | Job Shadow

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The full virtual job shadow, along with many other job shadow videos can be watched at

To see my FREE one-hour training sharing my TOP 10 Secrets to Achieving Cinematic Shots click here:

You can keep up to date with my work on instagram @parkerwalbeck and @fulltimefilmmaker.

You can see links to all the gear I use at:

Hit me up at [email protected] with any questions.

  1. Tuna Simona says

    After edit and all, whats the full length of the wedding video?

  2. Shun Williams says


  3. Mitchell Gates says

    Just wondering why you were using shutters of 500-1000, doesnt this give terrible looking jolty videos?

  4. Adetunji Bammeke says

    How long is a wedding video supposed to be?

  5. Bernie Melo says

    I wrote this guide about how to start your wedding photography business , maybe is useful for you:

  6. Barthlow Bob says

    Watching this again n again

  7. Ben Corwin says

    I put a sling on my gimbal.

  8. PurrBeauty88 says

    Thank you for including your camera settings. That is something that most of the videos Ive seen were lacking. Most information shared by far.

  9. Mohammed Ahmed says

    I do not have the means but I'm working hard to do it

  10. Mohammed Ahmed says

    I hope to be a professional photographer like you

  11. carlos orlando tineo flores says

    excellent scenes friend congratulations

  12. Rajeeb Rath says

    800gb of footage

  13. himinn says

    So basically spend 10,000 bucks on gear and put everything in slo-mo.

  14. Tech rax says

    the church is so beautiful

  15. ammy entertenment says

    What is best frame rate for video
    I am use Canon mark IV and mostly video in 50 frame 1080 Γ—720 so tell Bater frame rate for video ?

  16. betolevrone says

    Question, what was the duration time in the final video for this weeding?????

  17. Neka Sadhu says

    very good job

  18. Kelsey Fairbanks says

    I just came across this video in research for how to shoot my FIRST wedding and wanting to know if my camera can shoot a video like this. What caught my eye is the temple, because that's where I was married 10 years ago. I'm blown away by your talent and your gear! I have sooo many questions as a novice photographer. I hope you see this comment even though this video is over a year old now.

  19. Vipul says

    The shots were beautiful!

  20. Lewton Nani Azigi says

    Which camera are using?

  21. AAAndreiSison says

    I'm surprised he adjusts shutter speed to maintain shooting at f2.8. I think most videographers use a variable ND filter and leave the shutter speed approximately double the frame rate.

  22. Audi Melsom says

    Cool mate, fancy wedding πŸ˜‚

  23. WarriorX says

    how many fps do you set it to?

  24. BREAKING NEWS says

    Why do these people want a celebrity wedding?

  25. Lansinng Kamei says

    Sir, y don't you use canon c200?
    It think result will be quite different

  26. Teejay Torres says

    Wow! You are indeed nailing it in the field of wedding photography which I am interested in starting as a hobby and making a living with. Can you give some background stories on how you got started and if it is possible to shoot a wedding by yourself or just 1 companion? Thanks a lot ans looking forward for more learnings from your awesome skills! Thanks so much!

  27. mmad says

    You only used 24 and 70 focal lenght on all your footage?

  28. Dillon Carbajal says


  29. The Technical Panda says


  30. JM BruskoBros says

    that happens to me alot too. whenever im using my stabilizer, there is always someone thatll tell me not to film im like wtf!?

  31. Roland Setu says

    "Oh Yeeeaaaaah Baby!"hahahaha

  32. jama ahmed says

    Well done Mr

  33. Jonathan Iorbee says

    I love your videos. Can i have some of your videos to learn from it? Please. How can i get it?

  34. Victor Stanly says

    Vera level Bro πŸ‘ŒπŸ€™

  35. KomnotHet says

    i still have problem to balance & using steadicam

  36. emmanuel ayibu says

    GREAT work bro, you seem very comfortable with your gadgets, how does one achieve that?

  37. moustart here says

    Songs title please

  38. Sara Djina says

    Ik I should be focusing on the video but damn he’s fine

  39. Kebaburrito says

    "Wedding videographers should film discreetly and not stick out like a sore thumb." – most wedding videography guides.

    Parker: "Alright cut, let's do another take on the kiss."

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