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portrait photography tips

5 Portrait Hacks in 2 Minutes

In just 2 minutes I’ll be giving you 5 portrait photography ideas to take your work to the next level! We’ll be looking at tips and tricks in posing models, lighting, composition and the little things you can do that will make your…

Look for Graduating Senior Portraits

Senior graduation is an important occasion for both the graduate and the parents and many people choose to record the occasion with professional photography. Many photographers are offering senior portraits which creates an extremely…

5 Tips For Taking Wedding Pictures

Along the white edges of the warm, tranquil cyan waters of the Pacific Ocean the scent of refreshing flora drifts along with the breeze that wanders through breathtaking natural beauty. This is what makes Hawaii one of the most beautiful…

6 Portrait Photography Tips you must know!

Portrait Photography Tips for Beginners. Portrait Photography is very interesting and with certain photography tips you can capture amazing Portraits. This Portrait Photography Tips video will cover the tips which is necessary for you to…