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You're about to find out the best and most helpful photo hacks ever! Learn how to pose and edir your pictures like a pro! ;) Here is the number of hacks you may need to use on any given day! We're all kind of addicted to our smartphones,…

Macro Photography Tips Part 1

Macro photography is all about the ability to get in very close to your subject so it can fill the frame completely. There are specialist macro lenses which have fixed focal lengths, but you don't have to have a special lens to shoot…

An Introduction to Macro Photography

Tim Cooper Photography: Upcoming B&H Event Space Seminars: From backyards to city streets, to the National Parks, Macro Photography allows you to become delightfully lost in the intimate detail of our world. Professional landscape…

7 smartphone photography tips & tricks

Watch photographer Lorenz Holder give an iPhone photography tutorial in Munich, Germany, with some tips and tricks for all smartphone users!  *UPDATE: New video! Watch it here: Join the Cooperative of Photography: Visit the COOPH…