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No More Toilet Humour Photography Vlogs

Download Gavins Milky Way Lightroom Presets and use coupon code yt20 for 20% off. After years of trying, I finally capture the stars over Tofino in my favourite shot of the year. But can Catherine handle the new Fototripper vlogging…

9 Rapid-Fire Landscape Photography Tips

Landscape photography can be tricky, but these tips and tricks will help you out along the way! I've included nine of my personal favorite landscape photography tips, from composition to post-processing techniques. Tip #1: Flip your…

Are they worth it? Photography Workshops

This is a bit of different style video. Mike 'Keats' Jaskolka (@justkeatingphoto) on the workshop was talking about potential video ideas and suggested... what would people at home be most interested in & what was it that he would…

Composition-A Digital Photography Tutorial

SUBSCRIBE and like Buy the #1 book with 14+ HOURS of video on Amazon: Worldwide use 10% off coupon 'YouTube': Lightroom video book $10 on Amazon: Photoshop video book $10 on Amazon: Photography Buying Guide on Amazon: Worldwide use…