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best travel camera

New Age Digital Photo Frames

The reason we buy gifts for anyone is to make him/her feel special, cared for and loved. Whether the gift is for your spouse or fiancée, parents or grandparents, siblings or cousins and friends or acquaintances, your motive is to please the…

Art, Architecture and Photography Books

The Magic of Architecture There are many different books that you can obtain for information on architecture. These would include 101 Things I learned in Architecture School and Analysing Architecture. You may also have many different…

Making Your Photography Website a Success

The internet has a lot of potential for photographers, displaying your work on the web can be an immensely influential tool. The old addage of content is king still prevales and you would need to ensure you spent time on the SEO side to…

Fine Art Photography Explained

Fine art photography is probably a new term, but it is so often heard now that it is a category by itself under the art of photography. Some people may, of course, be confused by the term 'fine art' being combined with 'photography'. Since…

HDR Photography – Tips and Tricks

HDR Photography is one of the best tools you have at hand when it comes to creating top-quality photos that look simply astounding. HDR effects can really make your photos pop, standing out of the crowd and proving that you are more than a…