In den Armen meiner Mutter (OmU)

"In den Armen meiner Mutter" folgt mehreren Kindern, die im selben Zimmer eines kleinen gemieteten Hauses leben und lernen. Sie sind vergessene Kinder, deren Eltern getötet oder entführt wurden. Sie haben niemanden, der sie unterstützt,…

S. Korean photographer Kim Kyung-hoon wins

김경훈 로이터기자 퓰리처상…한국인 사진기자 최초 A South Korean photographer has won the Pulitzer Prize, one of the world's most prestigious journalism awards, for the first time in history. Reuters' photographer Kim Kyung-hoon and his colleagues were…

Senior Pictures Fort Collins, CO

Behind the scenes (BHTS) showreel with Erica of her senior photo shoot. Every girl has different sides and styles to her, from athletic to elegant, playful to mature. We cover that spectrum for Erica, and all our seniors. You only get…