Samsung Galaxy S9 vs Huawei P20 Pro Camera Comparison | Low light photo comparison

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In this video, I will do some camera test on Samsung Galaxy S9 and Huawei P20 Pro, including video stability, auto-focus, low light photos, as well as video speaker comparison.
Publisher: Witrigs –

Test will include: front camera sensitization and stability, rear camera stability test, sensitization, auto-focus comparison, and close focus test. And the most important part is photo comparison, P20 Pro reaches 109 score at DXOmark, which is also the highest score among their cellphone camera reviews. In this camera review you can find more details about Samsung Galaxy S9 and Huawei P20 Pro.

More videos of Samsung Galaxy S9 and P20 Pro will coming soon, stay tuned and get the new video at the first time.

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  1. OZORA Channel says

    the way you compare phones i think that even my Sharp telephone has better camera from p20 pro. wtf

  2. Mods & Tweaks says

    overall s9 – better detail, colour, and depth. P20 is great for Macro and Night.

  3. Fem Mi says

    Is Huawei p20 pro is better than this galaxy s10 e?? I just want best camera and long lasting battery. Anyone who can give an honest advise?

  4. jorge bc says

    Track ID?

  5. Foxtrot815 Jr says

    S9 look to colored more bright and the skin looks you have getting to much sun P20 pro look a little out of focus but more normal and your skin are more white

  6. uz16 says

    This is the s9 not the plus right?

  7. nox1010 says

    Is this the S9 or S9 plus??

  8. Abdullah Karakuş says


  9. nono59 says

    S9 rock !!! So proud of my cellphone !

  10. José Fernandes says

    interesting the people's thinks "s9 the colors are more real"
    but do not know the actual colors of the scene where the filming is done. no camera is perfect

  11. Marcos Elias says

    P20 pro on night 👏

  12. marshmello c. says


  13. istván B says


  14. WAR ROBOTS says

    Samsung s9 Top!!!

  15. Анти says

    cool video!!!! respect bro!

  16. Fayem Md says

    S9 no1

  17. TenTrillaZ says
  18. Napa Hanchai says

    s9 is better

  19. Chart says

    So horrible selfie camera on p20 pro..

  20. Antonio Moreno says

    S9 xd

  21. Eduardo Estrela says

    P20 Pro it's the winner.

  22. 頭ハロハピ says


  23. ss LoVEYou14 says

    p20 pro the beast!

  24. fawzi ali says

    This was an amazing vodeo

  25. MELİH ARDA Toprak says

    Guzel video thank you

  26. GearTOP says

    s9 win win, be no match for

  27. Wilson Eusebio777 says

    Had to make comparing P20 with S9 plus. Samsun has better dinamic range and better colors. Specially in the day. Samsung automatic focus is always in a Incredible way.

  28. Balla S says

    S9 win

  29. pastichka says

    Very useful, thank you.

  30. opor 200 says

    I like s9

  31. Onward Christian says

    Better s9

  32. Alex Deivid says

    S9 has best color reproduction and better dinamic range. When filming with S9, turn off AF Track, because in my S7, when it’s on, the digital stabilizer don’t work.

  33. fredyjunior87 says

    For you opinión which one os better

  34. RiZe Flair says

    P20 Pro is definitely the winner for me……

    All the Samsung fanboys though 😂

  35. Robert Dos says

    I fucking hate my s9 now. The ultra wide aspect ratio is shit. Battery is shit.
    Camera is shit. Why did I ever buy this phone….

  36. Imparator Aslan says

    My favorı s9

  37. traytronic says

    I like the music but still can’t decide which phone to get!!!

  38. jacquelineatkin1 says

    Please can you confirm that this is the s9 and not the s9+?

  39. Micky's is 《Mortimer》 says

    Everything was perfect at samsung at night … until night mode on p20pro was activated…

  40. Andre says

    so S9 or P20 PRO , or P20 (i heard that P20 has bit brighter night mode than P20 PRO) Sooooooooo????????????
    bro amazing work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  41. ツÐESIERŦ十 says

    S9 !!!!!

  42. S9 is the best

  43. Matt K says

    What's the name of the band you've got playing.

  44. Matt K says

    HUAWEI is the KING 👑 of smartphones.

  45. nigrum angelus says

    j'ai le mate 20 lite et les photo ou video le s9 a coté je suis sur qu'il est au méme niveaux voir moins bien

  46. Gone Mad says

    Samsung is a great brand😍

  47. Ahmed Aqeel says

    Forward camera is best in 20pro
    Backward camera is best in s9+

  48. Azmath Choudhury says

    s9 might lose for noise but ur getting to see more in the photo which is a good trade. barely see anything in video of p20. s9 might take the cake

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