5 Things You Don’t Learn in Photoschool

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5 Things Photographers Don’t Learn In Photo School

1. How to value their work.
2. How to deal with criticism.
3. How to manifest a personal vision.
4. How to make money.
5. How to continue to grow (re-invent) their work

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Lighting Essentials is a place for serious photographers.

Go here for more photography fun:

Project 52 Pro is an online workshop for photographers who want to become more professional in their work. We focus on the commercial side of things, and work on an assignment every week. Intense, exciting, and super rewarding. Check Project 52 Pros out here:


Find Photo Clients NOW: a system for up and coming commercial photographers to help them develop a strategy for finding and keeping commercial photo clients in their town or region. This proven system works:

My CreativeLIVE shows:
Lighting Essentials Workshop: Product Photography Workshop:

My Books on Amazon:“Musings: 28 Essays On Photography”
“Lighting Essentials: A Subject-Centric Approach for Digital Photographers”
“Lighting Essentials: Lighting for Texture, Contrast, and Dimension in Digital Photography”
“Don Giannatti’s Guide to Professional Photography: Achieve Creative and Financial Success”

My Courses on UDEMY (All are currently free)
Using a Lightmeter:
Portraiture with Simple Gear:
Natural Light Portraiture:
Real World, NO BS, Marketing Strategies for Photographers:

  1. Jack Spade says

    From what I've been told, read, and came to the conclusion is that schools like Arts & Design, Photography, and Film does is generates connections with other students.  Those connections could lead to opportunity begin granted to you, or one's ability to grant opportunity to those in your class.

    Is spending $100k+ for that potential connection worth it?  That is debatable, because many of the well known directors', and designers' more popular works contains contribution by people who went to the same school as they did, or at one time shared classes with them which is how they became to know each other. 

    But as with all things in life, for every success story, there are scores that are not, so everyone who decides to attend a specialty school, or not attend, must be willing to draw their respective line in the sand, stay true to their priorities, and put in the best effort(s) that they can.

  2. 72911RS says

    Billy Cobham? I love Billy Cobham. I always told my parents not to worry. If photography didn't work out I go to something more secure like starting a band and going on the road. 🙂

  3. Backstabbio says

    Thanks for the vid!

  4. R R says

    Oh man.. Don you crack me up. Seriously…Great stuff!!!Great Stuff!!!.Great Stuff!!! Sent you an Instagram message..If you are ever coming up to Toronto.

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