Create A Customized Signature PHOTO LOGO in Photoshop
Branding your photography is an essential piece of marketing your work and getting recognized, whether your a beginner or a pro.
In this tutorial we’ll create a professional-looking handwritten signature logo for your photography (or other media) brand in Adobe Photoshop.
What you’ll need for your signature Photo Logo:
► Handwritten Script Font (Found on
► Sans Serif Font
► Adobe Photoshop (or similar editing software)
As noted in the lesson, you can also create your signature logo using drawing tablet.
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Get Out & Go Shoot!!
Thanks so much! Really appreciate you sharing your knowledge.
You deserve way more than the exposure you're having in youtube…
Hello Run N Gun can you help me design my logo and send through a link or png
Great Video! Thanks!!
Do you know Imovie? Can you make a video with this???
I wish I had this video way back when~
I've been looking for this for a long time, thanks
Using this method, it only took me 10-minutes to create my own custom signature logo that I brand all of my photographs with.